Construction World April 2020
AND PERFORMANCE K EMACH has launched their new range of KEMACH Forklifts for the South African and sub-Saharan African markets, which will be promoted under their newly formed KEMACH Forklifts division. Speaking at their March 2020 presentation, held at WKHLU RͦFHV LQ %RNVEXUJ *DXWHQJ )UDQV YDQ GHQ +HHYHU General Manager for KEMACH Forklifts said, “We at KEMACH are delighted to announce the KEMACH Forklift range, in partnership with Anhui HELI, which we believe will complement our existing quality earthmoving products. The KEMACH Forklift range offers RXU FXVWRPHUV D 6RXWK $IULFDQ IRUNOLIW ZDUUDQW\ ͤUVW ̰ D ͤYH \HDUV KRXU ZDUUDQW\ RQ WKH FRPSOHWH PDFKLQH QRW MXVW SDUWV RI the machine”. 7KH .(0$&+ UDQJH RI IRUNOLIWV KDYH VSHFLͤHG -DSDQHVH HQJLQHV Heli built ZF transmissions and robotically manufactured chassis, ensuring premium brand quality at very competitive pricing. “The range comprises from a walk-behind powered pallet jack up WR WRQ FRQWDLQHU KDQGOLQJ XQLWV HQDEOLQJ XV WR FRPSHWH LQ DOO VHFWRUV RI WKH PDUNHW .(0$&+ KDV D QDWLRQDO IRRWSULQW RI branches and eight sub-dealers across South Africa, giving us the
biggest footprint in the materials handling industry when it comes to service-ability and guaranteeing uptime for our customers,” said Van den Heever. 7KH FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ FRQWULEXWHV RI WKH 6RXWK $IULFDQ *'3 DQG WKH IRUNOLIW LQGXVWU\ WDSV LQWR PRUH WKDQ RI WKH PDUNHWV WKDW IRUP WKH *'3 RI 6RXWK $IULFD VR ZH DUH FRQͤGHQW DQG optimistic about our ability to successfully penetrate the materials handling markets, explained Van den Heever. The supplier agreement between KEMACH Forklift and Anhui HELI was formed in January 2020. Anhui HELI is the biggest forklift manufacturer in China and complies with all European standards as well as being ISO approved. Local input The forklifts will offer customers the lowest cost of ownership over the lifetime of the machine due to its reliability and competitive pricing. Local support features include aftermarket suppliers for battery and charger supplies, forklift attachments and management systems. Driver training and monitoring through KEMACH’s
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