Construction World April 2020
TAKING SCHOOL sports to next level T he 2020 school year has got off to a great start for the staff and pupils at and staff has been overwhelming,” continued Botha. “The school is now home to a world-
requires no water which, with the increased water scarcity experienced countrywide, is a welcome reality for many schools. Turftech facilities thereby drastically increase property value while making the school more competitive. “Modern school sports are incredibly competitive in nature and this is beginning at primary school level,” explained Phillip Prinsloo, Sales Manager for Turftech. “For schools to be the best they have to offer their pupils the best and this is why so many VFKRROV DUH RSWLQJ IRU 7XUIWHFK̵V DUWLͤFLDO sports surfaces designed by our partners Rhino-Turf. Pupils are now able to practice IRU PXFK ORQJHU KRXUV DQG ̰ IRU KRFNH\ VSHFLͤFDOO\ ̰ WKHUH LV PRUH FRQVLVWHQW EDOO roll and play, speeding up the game.”
Hermanus Primary School in the Western Cape with the installation of the Turftech multi-purpose Rhino-Turf sports pitch drastically improving the school’s sporting potential. “It has always been a dream of the school to have its own Synthetic turf facility on the school grounds,” explained Niel Botha, the school’s head of senior hockey. “Our hockey and netball performance have really developed over the years and the installation of a superior synthetic pitch was desperately needed.” For this particular installation, Hermanus Primary School decided to partner with Turftech, the leader in natural and synthetic turf technology. During a four-month project period, Turftech specialists constructed a Pt PXOWL SXUSRVH SLWFK IRU QHWEDOO hockey, using the UK designed Rhino-Turf 07 ZLWK D VKRFNSDG DQG IHQFLQJ V\VWHP This advanced synthetic turf product replaced the school’s existing three tar netball courts, providing a much more aesthetically-superior, user-friendly playing surface. “The reaction from parents, pupils
class sports’ facility that will effectively allow us to develop our children’s skills in a variety of new ways.” Botha said the multi-purpose pitch also allows the school to facilitate more sporting events on-site, such as the recent hockey camp which welcomed a South African hockey player and top Boland coaches. The school has already lined up a netball and hockey clinics for skills’ development, with many more sporting events in the pipeline: “This is so fantastic for the school, DQG ̰ DV WKH KHDG RI VHQLRU KRFNH\ ̰ , ZRXOG really like to thank everyone involved in this project.” In addition to the superior playing surface and enhanced aesthetics associated ZLWK 7XUIWHFK̵V SURGXFWV VFKRROV EHQHͤW Turftech multi-sports’ facility does not have to be resurfaced every two to three years, with the new synthetic surface only needing XSJUDGLQJ HYHU\ WR \HDUV ,W DOVR DOORZV schools to accommodate multiple sporting codes while saving on space. In addition to costs saved on maintenance, the pitch from long-term cost-savings as well. Unlike traditional hard courts, the
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