Construction World April 2020
M ore noticeably in Africa, women have already acknowledged the fundamental rhythm where women empower other women. ,OOXVWUDWLQJ DQ H[DPSOH IRU ZRPHQ LQ WKH EXLOW HQYLURQPHQW VSHFLͤFDOO\ ZDV EXVLQHVV W\FRRQ 'U 7KDQGL 1GORYX ̰ 1GORYX ZDV well-known for her ability to break into the male-dominated South Africa construction industry and grew the Motheo Construction Group, as its IRXQGHU DQG &(2 LQWR D ODUJH VFDOH EXLOGHU RI JRYHUQPHQW KRXVLQJ ̰ constructing over 80 000 homes. To honour a woman paving the way for other women in the world’s ROGHVW LQGXVWU\ ̰ OLNH 1GORYX GHPRQVWUDWHG ̰ D /LIHWLPH $FKLHYHPHQW Award will be given at the African Construction Awards, which is organised by dmg events and powered by the National African Federation for the Building Industry (NAFBI). The esteemed event highlights the year-round pursuit of excellence that is through the passion of leading professionals, entrepreneurs and rising stars working in the built environment. 7KLV \HDU &DQGLFH :KLWHͤHOG D 'LUHFWRU DW 0RRUH -RKDQQHVEXUJ ,QF ZLOO DXGLW WKH MXGJHV̵ ͤQGLQJV DQG FRPPHQWV WR HQVXUH WKH SURFHVV LV IDLU 7KH DZDUGV ZLOO WDNH SODFH RQ -XQH DORQJVLGH WKH HLJKWK annual African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo; categories include the Female Innovator of the Year Award and the Women in Construction Award. ̸:H DW 0RRUH DUH FRPPLWWHG WR HQVXULQJ WKH YHULͤFDWLRQ SURFHVV around women in construction is performed in a fair manner and in terms of the rules and regulations set out by dmg events. We encourage women to celebrate the traits they bring to the table against the temptation of defaulting to a more masculine way of doing business. Women naturally will be leaders. Women have a sense of organisation, structure and compassion and there is nothing that can stand in the way of a woman who has determination and a will to succeed,” H[SODLQV :KLWHͤHOG The African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo is rallying along with the rest of the continent to empower women by moving gender parity from a far-off objective to an imminent reality. This year’s event provides a crucial platform to help forge a gender- equal continent by celebrating women’s achievements and increasing their visibility in the built environment. Opening the event during a 0LQLVWHULDO .H\QRWH 7DVQHHP 0RWDUD ̰ WKH 0(& IRU ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH Development and Property Management from Gauteng Provincial *RYHUQPHQW ̰ ZLOO GHOLYHU D ZHOFRPLQJ DGGUHVV ZLWK D VSHFLDO focus on transformation. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE Gender equality is a full-force movement – one with a loud voice, requiring collective action and shared ownership. This is what makes International Women’s Day successful. Winners from the past: this year’s awards will take place on 10 June 2020, alongside the eighth annual African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo. Categories include the Female Innovator of the Year Award and the Women in Construction Award.
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