Construction World April 2020
“Our local R&D is done in conjunction with the main R&D Centre which is in Sermaises, France. This is an expansive centre that focuses on both concrete admixtures and cement additives. CHRYSO Southern Africa has strong exchanges with it and the R&D updates from there inform our offering. When D FXVWRPHU DSSURDFKHV XV WR ͤQG D VROXWLRQ we do not start from scratch. We see what R&D has been done elsewhere in the world. The solution we offer can be adapted or used directly from another region in the world.” The differing African context “The rest of the African market differs from South Africa in terms of operating conditions and market maturity. South Africa was the ͤUVW FRXQWU\ LQ $IULFD WR LQWURGXFH FDUERQ WD[ which makes it easier to sell carbon saving products in South Africa as local companies are under pressure to comply with climate change regulations.” This is not the case yet in the rest of Africa. The methods employed and use of materials in South Africa is more mature than elsewhere in Africa. “We, for instance, KDYH DQ DEXQGDQFH RI ͥ\ DVK WKDW LV XVHG DV extender in cement and concrete production.” The uneven maturity aspect provides CHRYSO with vast opportunities. “Africa KDV D VHYHUH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH GHͤFLW DQG ZLOO
CHRYSO operates a fully fledged laboratory in South Africa.
How is CHRYSO a responsible company?
need cement and concrete for this. Whilst the rest of Africa markets are different, we have an advantage in that we can use South Africa as a benchmark whilst we localize and tailormake our solutions for the different contexts and needs of the customers. In terms of sustainability, Hlatshwayo says that the rest of Africa is fragmented. “Most of the major construction is done by multi-nationals. These companies take global direction to have sustainability as measurement matrix for their business.Therefore there are pockets of excellence, and it is encouraging that new and established regional players are starting to apply sustainable principles,” he says.
Hlatshwayo says just over 50 years ago there was no additives business. “Additives were subsequently developed for cement which increased performance. Hereafter FRVW KDG WR EH UHFWLͤHG ZLWK WKH XVH RI additives. As environmental concerns grew a green element was added to the production of cement. This aspect now plays a vital role in how we position our 5 ' HIIRUWV ̰ DV D WUXH SDUWQHU LQ KHOSLQJ customers become more sustainable. The big impact we can make is how to leverage our R&D capabilities to partner with and enable our customers to make a big dent in the efforts to stop climate change.”
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