Construction World April 2020
T he TOTAL DYNATRANS ACX range of lubricants is for off-highway machinery, designed to extend machine life and oil drain intervals. These products are formulated with selected |base oils associated to a robust chemistry. They provide the end user with better oxidation resistance at high temperature together with a draining interval extension and extra protection to the machinery parts. 7KH '<1$75$16 $&; SURGXFW UDQJH ZKLFK FRQVLVWV RI 6$( : : OXEULFDQWV IRU K\GUDXOLF V\VWHPV DQG WUDQVPLVVLRQ FRPSRQHQWV HTXLSSHG ZLWK VSHFLͤF EUDNH IULFWLRQ GLVFV DV ZHOO DV DQ 6$( OXEULFDQW IRU D[OH DQG ͤQDO JHDUV HTXLSSHG ZLWK VSHFLͤF EUDNH IULFWLRQ GLVFV '<1$75$16 $&; : : DUH also suitable for transmission systems like DANA, EATON-FULLER, ROCKWELL, JCB etc. %HQH̨WV RI WKLV UDQJH Experience a reduction in your total cost of operations through longer drain intervals and increased availability of your equipment, due to reduced downtime. Furthermore, you will boost your HͦFLHQF\ WKURXJK LPSURYHG RLO VKHDU VWDELOLW\ UXQQLQJ D FOHDQOLHU lubrication circuit, with better heat transfer and reduced stock levels of lubricants. All of this, whilst at the same time reducing your environmental footprint by not only using less oil, but also decreasing your chances of wastage by reducing breakdowns. 727$/ '<1$75$16 $&; : DQG FDQ EH XVHG ZKHUH WKHUH LV D UHTXLUHPHQW IRU &$7(53,//$5 +<'2 $GYDQFHG DQG ZLWK a long drain interval up to 3 000 working hours, and can be extended WR ZRUNLQJ KRXUV ZLWKLQ UHJXODU RLO DQDO\VLV WR PRQLWRU WKH condition of the oil. This compared to 2 000 hours, as seen with
historic technology. Oil analysis is recommended every 500 working hours during the extended drain interval to ensure reliability. Oil analysis services are also available with TOTAL’s ANAC oil analysis service which offers more than just a simple oil analysis. The X in DYNATRANS ACX stands for EXTRA: • EXTRA wear protection, especially for yellow metal • EXTRA oxidation stability, potentially resulting in longer oil drain interval • EXTRA life of use • EXTRA durable, friction performance adapted to the requirements of Caterpillar, Komatsu and other machinery. 2WKHU EHQH̨WV LQFOXGH • Excellent anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties, increasing the durability of the lubricated components of your equipment. • Very shear-stable viscosities preserving the hydraulic pump’s YROXPHWULF HͦFLHQF\ • Emulsifying effect, the products keep condensation water in emulsion and avoid pump breakage in the winter, or rapid degradation in the summertime, or in warmer environments. This allows you to operate, even when contaminated with limited amounts of water. • Good performance with regard to elastomers, without aggressiveness to the hydraulic hoses, seals and gaskets. • 7KLV UDQJH LV YHU\ ͥXLG DW ORZ WHPSHUDWXUHV PHDQLQJ LW̵V DOUHDG\ more usable when starting in colder temperatures. • :KHQ PDNLQJ XVH RI WKH : JUDGH IXUWKHU VWRFN rationalization and reduction on site can be achieved.
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