Construction World April 2020
downtime and ensures total coverage; we can now also ensure that they have an accurate, up-to-date understanding of the condition of their wire ropes. Inspections will be faster and the information will be more accurate. We look forward to seeing the TST Portable Wire Rope Tester in action in our FXVWRPHUV̵ EXVLQHVVHV DQG WKH EHQHͤWV they will yield from it.” Duralatex is applied to the cone holes in WKH SLHUV DQG WKHVH KROHV DUH WKHQ ͤOOHG ZLWK D E H 'XUDJURXW ̰ D QRQ VKULQN JURXW for sealing. important component of the concrete mix design for the seven piers. These large pier structures will range from 250 tonnes to WRQQHV LQ ZHLJKW 7KH ͤUVW RI WKHVH currently under construction, will measure 5,5 metres tall when complete. “CHRYSO ® 2PHJD UHGXFHV WKH QHHG to add extra water, and so increases the durability of concrete,” she explains. “This admixture also improves cohesion and lowers viscosity in the concrete mix, leading to improved homogeneity and superior off- VKXWWHU ͤQLVKHV ̹ CHRYSO ® Fuge B, which is a pore- blocking permeability reducer for mass concrete, is also being used. This reduces the size of the capillaries, thereby almost completely eliminating the penetration of water under pressure. This is important for the piers on this project as they are constantly in contact with water. The piers are being slip-formed as hollow structures, from a specially-built rig in the Zambezi River. When the piers have achieved the PLQLPXP UHTXLUHG KHLJKW WKH\ DUH ͥRDWHG into position, secured to the foundation and ͤOOHG ZLWK FRQFUHWH Facilitating the release of formwork from the concrete piers is CHRYSO ® DEM S, a versatile mould-release oil for timber or steel. Mart Solutions is also supplying the Kariba project with construction chemicals from CHRYSO’s a.b.e. range. The polymer bonding liquid a.b.e.
Securing future of KARIBA DAM
T he multi-million Euro engineering project to reshape the plunge pool at the base of the Kariba Dam wall incorporates the use of CHRYSO’s leading concrete admixtures to ensure optimal results. Working closely with main contractor Razel-Bec is Mart Solutions, the Zambian distributor for CHRYSO ® Southern Africa. “Any large and complex project like this one demands ongoing collaboration, which started about two years before the FRQFUHWH ZRUN EHJDQ LQ 2FWREHU ̹ VD\V Mart Solutions Director Martie Coulson. “Teamwork is vital between Mart Solutions, CHRYSO ® and Razel-Bec to ensure the VSHFLͤHG FRQFUHWH PL[HV DUH DFKLHYHG WR WKH consultants’ exacting standards.” The world-class project at Kariba Dam will see the building of a temporary coffer L ubrication Engineers (LE) South Africa is now an agent for the TST FDSys. 3 )ODZ 'HWHFWLRQ 6\VWHP ̰ D SRUWDEOH VWHHO wire-rope inspection solution that enables DFFXUDWH QRQ GHVWUXFWLYH LQVSHFWLRQ of wire ropes with diameters ranging from WR PP “We’re very excited to have added the TST products to our stable,” says LE South Africa Managing Director, Colin Ford. “They allow the instant, real-time, portable GHWHFWLRQ RI ZLUH URSH ͥDZV VXFK DV EURNHQ wires, corrosion, pitting, abrasion and fatigue. The TST Portable Wire Rope Tester is ideal for inspecting wire ropes on mine hoisters, cranes, elevators, cableways, power grids, suspended bridges and drilling platforms.” Ford explains that the TST Portable Wire Rope Tester uses magnetic inductive VHQVLQJ WHFKQRORJ\ DQG 0)/ PDJQHWLF ͥX[
leakage) wire rope inspection techniques. Essentially, fault events leave a magnetic signature, which the detector can pick up. “This allows for high-speed, accurate, user- friendly inspections,” says Ford. The TST Portable Wire Rope Tester can LQVSHFW XSZDUGV RI P V RU DV OLPLWHG IRU VDIH RSHUDWLRQ ,W RIIHUV ! UHSHDWDELOLW\ RI TXDQWLWDWLYH GHWHFWLRQ IRU ͥDZV DQG DFFXUDF\ RI VHYHUH ͥDZ VLJQDOV ,W SLFNV XS ERWK ͥDZV VXFK DV LQWHUQDO EURNHQ ZLUHV DQG IDWLJXH DV ZHOO DV H[WHUQDO ͥDZV VXFK as broken wire, abrasion and corrosion. “When paired with products like our Viper™ MK II wire-rope lubricator, the TST Portable Wire Rope Tester helps us to ensure we’re offering our customers a one- stop shop,” says Ford. “Not only can we help them to ensure their wire ropes are always properly lubricated with an automated system, which improves safety, reduces dam downstream of the main wall, allowing the deep plunge pool to be drained, reshaped and stabilised. This will reduce the backward scour in the pool, created by water released by sluices in the dam wall; the concern is that this scouring is edging towards the dam foundations. The innovative admixture CHRYSO ® Aquabeton ZA is playing a key role in allowing concrete to be placed underwater, to create a foundation for the coffer dam’s seven piers. “This highly specialised admixture assists in minimising washout and segregation of fresh concrete when placed underwater,” Coulson says. Among the range of CHRYSO solutions provided by Mart Solutions is CHRYSO ® 2PHJD VXSHUSODVWLFHU ZKLFK LV DQ
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