Construction World April 2020
Howwill the soon-to-be-implemented EE AMENDMENT BILL AFFECT YOUR BUSINESS? The bill now before Parliament includes requirements for employee training and compliance certificates for government tenders. By Triple E Training
The implementation of pivotal training will also allow for increased B-BBEE points, in that the points available under skills development and bursary expenditure allow for SRLQWV XS IURP HLJKW ZKLOH WKH combined target remains at six percent. The latest World Economic Forum RI FRXQWULHV LQ RWKHU ZRUGV within the bottom third of economies DVVHVVHG 7KH HDVH RI ͤQGLQJ VNLOOHG employees also ranked poorly DW th . And so the answer to the question, ‘Why turn your company into a place of learning?’ is therefore clear on many fronts, including moral responsibility and a duty to (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report ranked the skills of the 6RXWK $IULFDQ ZRUNIRUFH DW RXW
S outh Africa is facing a double dilemma right now in terms of unemployment and skills. Firstly, we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the world, but secondly, we also rank poorly in terms of skills. The net effect is that despite this high XQHPSOR\PHQW OHYHO FRPSDQLHV VWLOO EDWWOH WR ͤQG VNLOOHG ZRUNHUV In mid-February, Cabinet gave the Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2020 the green light for submission to Parliament. This is a crucial bill that seeks to strengthen the Employment Equity Act RI WKH $FW DQG VXSSRUW HIIRUWV WR HUDGLFDWH WKH OHJDFLHV of apartheid discrimination, as well as inequality in the workplace. When it becomes law, most likely in mid-2020, it will bring far-reaching consequences to employers in terms of rights and obligations. From the perspective of inequality in the workplace, the Employment Equity Amendment Bill will bring in mandatory training of employees, meaning that companies will have to focus on their training and development. Additionally, the Amendment Bill also PDNHV VSHFLͤF UHIHUHQFH WR WKH LVVXLQJ RI DQ (PSOR\PHQW (TXLW\ &RPSOLDQFH FHUWLͤFDWH In short, the bill places an obligation on companies to train their own employees, and in addition, restricts organisations that do not meet the requirements of the Employment Equity Compliance FHUWLͤFDWH UHJXODWLRQV IURP ELGGLQJ IRU VWDWH WHQGHUV ,Q OLJKW RI WKH GLͦFXOWLHV WKDW FRPSDQLHV IDFH LQ ͤQGLQJ ̰ DQG VRPHWLPHV UHWDLQLQJ ̰ VNLOOHG ZRUNHUV LW LV WKHUHIRUH YLWDO IRU business to take skills development and training seriously, especially where pivotal training is concerned. ‘Pivotal training’ refers to learnership programmes that are professional, technical as well as DFDGHPLF DQG ZKLFK ZLOO UHVXOW LQ RFFXSDWLRQDO TXDOLͤFDWLRQV RU SDUW TXDOLͤFDWLRQV ZLWKLQ WKH 1DWLRQDO 4XDOLͤFDWLRQV )UDPHZRUN 14) Pivotal training will allow for the following: • It helps contribute to employee wellness; • It enables employees to grow within your organisation; and • It offers staff equal employment opportunities.
the country. Organisations can achieve this by implementing or introducing the following: skills development, bursaries, learnerships or internships, or of course a combination of these. On mandatory grants, some confusion currently reigns with regards to percentages of mandatory grants and a Labour Appeal &RXUW MXGJPHQW RI 2FWREHU 2XU EHVW SUDFWLFH DGYLFH KHUH is to urge companies to engage with their relevant SETA, in order to properly advise the Employment Equity Committees on which the business will serve, prior to the submission of Annexure 2 Reports in April 2020. 7XUQLQJ WR WKH LVVXH RI WKH UHTXLVLWH FRPSOLDQFH FHUWLͤFDWHV DQG DV SHU *RYHUQPHQW *D]HWWH 1R RI 6HSWHPEHU D FHUWLͤFDWH RI FRPSOLDQFH WR WKH (PSOR\PHQW (TXLW\ $FW ZLOO EH LVVXHG to employers only if: • The applicable sectorial targets have been achieved or the company has raised a reasonable ground for non-compliance; • The employer has submitted its most recent employment equity report; or • The employer has not been found within the previous twelve months to have breached the prohibition on unfair discrimination or to have paid wages below the level of the national minimum wage. Critically, no government contracts will be awarded without a FRPSOLDQFH FHUWLͤFDWH DV SHU 6HFWLRQ RI $FW RI DQG ZLWK reference to the above). In conclusion, as the new decade slowly but steadily unfolds, it is clear that the country remains under the yoke of an ongoing economic crisis. Remedial steps and solutions are multi-layered and will take time. Nonetheless, we believe steadfastly in the power of education and training to uplift and empower individuals, which in turn translates, like ripples in the proverbial pond, into positive effects for the wider organisation in which the individual operates, and in turn the wider region and state.
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