Construction World August 2015
ABOVE LEFT: Spill Tech teams responding to an oil tanker spill. ABOVE RIGHT: Spill Tech is probably the largest bioremediation specialist in Africa in terms of project scale, working on sites that can range from 10 m³ up to 10 000 m³ and beyond.
Current units in Spill Tech’s earthmoving fleet comprise Cat 428F backhoe loaders, a Cat CS533E vibratory soil compactor, and latest generation Cat 320D2 L hydraulic excava- tors. Spill Tech has also developed a rapid mobilisation solution in the form of a truck transported specialised trailer design that carries a Cat 428F as well as skips, which is available 24/7, nationwide. Weighing in at 10 840 kg, the Cat CS533E is powered by a Cat 3054C engine generating a gross power of 97 kW. Spill Tech identified this unit as the optimal choice to achieve specified compaction densities on treated ground. The maximum and minimum centrif- ugal force is 234 kN and 133 kN respectively, with a nominal amplitude, high and low, of 1,8 mm and 0,85 mm at a standard vibratory frequency of 31/34 Hz. From a mass excavation perspective, Cat 320D2 L units supplied into the Southern African market come standard with a long undercarriage configuration, with an approximate maximum operating weight of 22,4 tonnes. Net power output is 98 kW, generated by a Cat C7.1 engine. “Boom and stick regeneration circuits save energy during boom-down and stick-in operation, which increases efficiency, reduces cycle times and pressure loss for higher productivity, lower operating costs, and increased fuel efficiency,” explains Barlow- orld Equipment Durban Cat sales profes- sional, Egon Muller, highlighting key product features. Barloworld Equipment is the Cat dealer for Southern Africa. A wide range of buckets are available, either pin-on or coupler-type, along with a selection of ground engaging tools to match the machine to its digging environ- ment. Coupler options include Caterpillar’s Centre-Lock™ Pin Grabber, which enables the operator to make fast in-cab work tool interchanges. “Spill Tech’s operations are capital intensive and fast-paced, so we researched the market extensively before deciding to standardise on Cat machines for our biore- mediation projects. Performance to date has met our exacting output requirements,” adds Boyce, “as we progressively expand our footprint in this niche segment across South Africa, as well as Southern African.”
Spill Tech is probably the largest bioremedi- ation specialist in Africa in terms of project scale, working on sites that can range from 10 m³ up to 10 000 m³ and beyond. “Typically following a spill, a geo-hydrol- ogist will carry out core sampling, as well as mapping of the plume of the product and then together with Spill Tech will formulate a bioremediation process,” says Boyce. “This will also determine the depth of the excava- “Spill Tech’s operations are capital intensive and fast- paced, so we researched the market extensively before deciding to standardise on Cat machines for our bioremediation projects.”
tions, which in the past have gone as deep as 18 m on some projects.” While spill impacts may appear irrevers- ible, many potentially harmful compounds can be efficiently broken down through bioremediation. In a typical working applica- tion, the contaminated soil is excavated and housed in geotechnical cells, or biopiles – that need constant forced aeration – after which the remediated material is backfilled into the previously contaminated section and compacted. A major factor is the management and prevention of cross contamination, taking into account ground water sources, as well as nearby streams, rivers or reservoirs. Biozorb One of Spill Tech’s intervention measures for the effective absorption of hydrocarbon spills is Biozorb, a revolutionary oil and hydro- carbon absorbent made from premium Cana- dian sphagnum peat moss. The high grade material is harvested and dehydrated through a unique proprietary steam process, which gives it unparalleled absorption capacities through a wicking or hydraulic action. For example, one kilogramme of product absorbs up to 10 litres of oil. Biozorb will absorb hydrocarbons and can be utilised as a vapour suppressant. It can be used on land or water and is hydrophobic. Biozorb meets sanitary landfill disposal requirements according to EPA regulations. “Safe and easy to apply, Biozorb is also simple to dispose of with up to 20 times less landfill volume compared to current standard absorbents,” Boyce explains. Cat earthmoving fleet In the bioremediation scenario, Spill Tech deploys a comprehensive Cat earthmoving fleet to carry out mechanised solutions on larger-scale sites that have been contami- nated. Smaller scale bioremediation projects are dealt with traditionally by a deployed work crew.
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