Construction World August 2016
various asphalt materials to contractors engaged within the S’hamba Sonke Programme. “Besides having access to world class asphalt materials, local production means significant cost savings regarding supply of finished materials as well as direct and indirect business growth for local busi- nesses providing products and services to the asphalt manufacturing and road construction service delivery in the region,” Garrioch says. Mullins says that the company is also assisting an undisclosed municipality to produce its own cold-mix asphalt to National Cold Asphalt’s exacting standards. “We will provide them with the advice they need to run an efficient and very productive cold-mix asphalt production plant. “The roads authority will benefit by being able to roll out essen- tial road construction projects quicker and more cost effectively by being able to produce its own high quality, bulk and bagged cold-mix asphalt,” says Mullins. He reports that National Cold Asphalt has had similar enquiries with other municipalities who have expressed a keen interest in the The company’s hand operated chip spreader, known as Chippy, has been acknowledged by the Construction Industry Development Board as a very effective method of undertaking single and double seals using labour-based methods.
Repairs being carried out using hot mix in a bag which is being specified as an approved and effective alternative to conventional, bulk hot mix asphalt by consulting engineers.
company’s asphalt manufacturing and sustainable job creation consul- tancy services. This initiative is being complemented by another one of the compa- ny’s ventures that will see National Cold Asphalt produce an asphalt mix from 100% recycled asphalt pavement that it will produce from milled pavement residues it collects from municipalities. Mullins says National Cold Asphalt has been conducting tests with 10 kg samples of the material, and the results have been extremely positive. The material will be used to rejuvenate stressed pavements. It will be sprayed onto existing road surfaces that are starting to show signs of distress, increasing their flexibility and therefore, reducing stripping and cracking of brittle pavements. While the quality of cold-mix asphalt materials produced by the company is well known, both locally and abroad, it is National Cold Asphalt’s persistent efforts in using its high grade products to develop and empower productive small businesses in the South African construction sector that will have a visibly high impact and leave a lasting legacy.
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