Construction World August 2016
PROJECT PROFILE AFRISAM-SAIA AWARD for Sustainable Architecture + Innovation: shortlist
Following a record number of entries, the final qualifying entries for the 2015/2016 AfriSam– SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture + Innovation have been announced.
3 BMW HEAD OFFICE BUILDING – Boogertman+Partners Architects (Gauteng) The design of the building conceptually focuses on the regeneration of an iconic structure – maintaining the spirit of the original building while infusing the envelope with the life of a new entity which is simple in aesthetic intent and energy efficiency. Minimum intervention to the outer façade of this circular building retains its elegant, modern and dark brick appeal. The only addition is the lightweight mechanical horizontal louvres which are strategically installed to reduce the glare of the direct western sun and optimises the internal building envelope with the notion of transparency, further complementing the design of the adaptive inte- rior spaces. Green principles were imperative to address the building’s thermal comfort and energy efficiency and so achieve a holistic solution to the working environment. The result of these energy efficiency technol- ogies saw the building awarded with a 5 Green Star rating. 4 DEA BUILDING – Boogertman+Partners Architects (Gauteng) The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) in the City of Tshwane, based on the importance of a structure which reflects the culture of the Department, the way it works. Its function and what it stands for in terms of purpose, beliefs and service to the country and the community. The project achieved a 6 star green office v1 design rating. The design responds to an environmentally sensitive and sustainable architecture that equally is respected by international dignitaries, visitors, and tour- ists but is, above all, a home for the DEA to be proud of and to remain memorable, beautiful and inspiring generations to come. 5 GORGEOUS GREEN HOUSE – Sagnelli Associate Architects (KZN) A client driven green research project, the Gorgeous Green House encapsulates all green and eco gadgetry there is within the market has to offer. This project shows just how strong the client's voice was with decision-making on a sustainable level. Special thought, consideration and research by the client allowed the design of the house to incorpo- rate a range of sustainable features, from roof top gardens, green walls, evaporative cooling ponds, water harvesting, storage and recycling, and solar energy to name a few. Gorgeous Green House is the ‘poster-child’ for a sustainable green living. 6 GOVERNMENT HOUSE PIETERMARITZBURG – Robert JW Brusse Architect (KZN) A heritage restoration project of the Government House from 1845 for UNISA Pietermaritzburg. Restoration of this beautiful Edwardian styled house began several years ago with special detail and consideration taken into making sure that the original materials and aesthetics of the building were maintained and restored to their former glory. Specialised craftsmen from around the country gave their expertise in meticulously piecing back together this historic building. 7 ICAT ECO FACTORY – Earthworld Architects (Gauteng) Sustainable design begins long before the first foundation is cast, or brick is laid. It begins in the symbiosis between the visions of the client and the architect. This was the case for the iCat Eco Factory. The project was focused on housing both the administrative and the production functions of the company, merging corporate headquarters with ware- house space and allowing for an environmentally sustainable structure. This served to further minimise travel distance, as well as prevent the duplication of costs, buildings, footprints, staff and other assets created through running multiple buildings simultaneously.
fter an intensive inspection process at each location (in– loco), 22 projects out of 47 entries have been identified by the adjudication panel. Entries closed on 24 March this year to a record number of submissions. The qualifying projects span all four categories
of the Award – Sustainable Architecture and Research in Sustain- ability , as well as the two new categories, S ustainable Products and Technology and Sustainable Social Programmes. These reflect a growing national engagement with design, innovation and sustaina- bility, with representation from many different regions of South and Southern Africa. “Successful projects not only respond to these criteria but also use the criteria as design generating tools. Unsuccessful projects make tokenistic gestures to sustainability without demonstrating the under- standing that the criteria of sustainability are as important as user func- tion and aesthetic beauty. The building must have a clear function and be in use,” comments Richard Stretton, member of the adjudication team. Stretton, a previous winner and eminent architect and furniture designer, conducted the site visits with other members of the six– person adjudicating team – Kevin Bingham (vice president of SAIA), Daniel Irurah (sustainable architecture academic), Llewellyn van Wyk (Principal Researcher at Building Science and Technology), Sebasti Badenhorst (AfriSam representative) and Eric Noir (Africa region director of the International Union of Architects’ work programme, Architecture for a Sustainable Future). The bi-annual AfriSam-SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture + Innovation is South Africa’s leading award dedicated to acknowledging best practice and innovation in sustainable architecture. Its aim is to promote and increase learning and understanding of sustainability within the context of the human built environment. CATEGORY A: SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE 1 AFRICAN SCHOOL FOR EXCELLENCE – Local Studio The design of the school borrows from industrial warehouse typologies in the East Rand. With the notion of ‘school as megastructure’ in mind, a series of 6 U-shaped classroom clusters are arranged around a vast central hall space. Each of these clusters (termed ‘learning communi- ties’) are designed around the school’s education model which rotates learners between spaces for instructional learning, peer-based learning, and self-study throughout a school day. 2 BARN HOUSE – Strey Architects The Barn House is an experimental personal home project. The project’s creative, all-in-one father/architect/contractor plays with forms, mate- rials, building methods, passive heating and cooling as well as sustain- able concepts. Sustainability within the building incorporates elements which have a high initial cost in terms of energy use, financial implica- tions and footprint-wise – but these also act to reduce the amount of energy used by the building in its lifetime.
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