Construction World August 2020

Best Employer OF CHOICE ACCOLADE At the recent South African Graduates Employer Association (SAGEA) event, engineering, design and advisory company Aurecon – which is officially rebranding as Zutari at the end of July – was placed 2 nd Best Employer of Choice, up from 4 th place last year. While first place went to petrochemicals producer Sasol, Aurecon was ahead of the likes of Anglo American. Some of the other participants in the survey included Deloitte, Mercedes Benz, South32, Worley and Accenture.

digital engineering and governance. We pride ourselves in being a committed partner to both the public and private sector, adding value to the development of the greater South Africa. My aim is to grow the company by developing the skills of our specialists and innovating through the effective application of technology. I hope during this challenging time, that SMEC South Africa can continue to be a trusted advisor to our clients and partners.” Speaking on the appointment, SMEC South Africa Chairman of the Board and 1RQ ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU ,VUDHO 6NRVDQD VD\V “We are delighted to welcome Logashri into the position of CEO. I have no doubt that KHU GHPRQVWUDEOH LQGXVWU\ H[SHULHQFH DQG acumen will deliver immense value to SMEC 6RXWK $IULFD DQG KDYH HYHU\ FRQͤGHQFH in her ability to lead the company to new heights through good governance, technical H[FHOOHQFH DQG VXVWDLQDEOH JURZWK , ZLVK her every success in her new role.” “The SMEC South Africa Board would like felt had the best graduate programme in VSHFLͤF VHFWRUV RU LQGXVWU\ JURXSV ZLWK which they were familiar. There were no lists of organisations to choose from and their responses were entirely unprompted. Aurecon was acknowledged for Best Recruitment Process, as well as for Best Company Representative and Aspirational Employer of Choice. More importantly, it raised its standing as Employer of Choice in the Engineering & Industrial category from 4 th place in 2019 to 2 nd place in 2020. “I am immensely proud of what we have achieved over the past year, despite the challenges and disruptions we faced due to the COVID-19 crisis,” comments Dean Naidoo, &KLHI 3HRSOH 2ͦFHU DW $XUHFRQ +H SDLG special tribute to Modlay Davids, Emerging Talent Partner at Aurecon who represents the company at SAGEA. Aurecon recently celebrated the achievements of Dr. Tony Igboamalu who was named Young Engineering Professional of the Year at the 2019-20 South African Professional Services Awards

(SAPSA). Aurecon also clinched the title of Engineering Firm of the Year. “The future of our business relies on the education and skills of tomorrow’s leaders,” comments Aurecon Africa &(2 'U *XVWDY 5RKGH ̸:H DUH D ͤUP believer in education as a driver for skills development. The successful development of young professionals will provide the QH[W JHQHUDWLRQ RI OHDGHUV DQG WHFKQLFDO H[SHUWV ZKR HPERG\ WKH YDOXHV FXOWXUH DQG behaviour of our organisation,” adds Dr Rohde. ,Q 2FWREHU $XUHFRQ RͦFLDOO\ announced the separation of the African business from the Aurecon Group, effective from the beginning of this year. It is undergoing a total rebranding process, with D FRPSOHWHO\ QHZ QDPH LQ =XWDUL 7KH QHZ EUDQG ZDV RͦFLDOO\ ODXQFKHG RQ -XO\ 7KH QHZ QDPH UHͥHFWV $IUR RSWLPLVP and balances analytical and technical engineering with creativity and innovation to GHPRQVWUDWH WKDW =XWDUL LV DERXW PXFK PRUH than traditional engineering. ƒ


E ngineering and infrastructure consultancy ͤUP 60(& 6RXWK $IULFD LV SOHDVHG to announce the promotion of Logashri 6HZQDUDLQ WR &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2ͦFHU &(2 effective 1 August, 2020, following the retirement of Kostas Rontiris. Joining SMEC in 2018, Logashri brings RYHU \HDUV̵ H[SHULHQFH LQ PDQDJLQJ PDMRU roads projects in South Africa as a senior level Professional Engineer and Professional Project and Construction Management ([HFXWLYH 3ULRU WR KHU DSSRLQWPHQW DV &(2 she held the role of Functional General Manager, Roads & Highways. “I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead a business with over 70 years’ legacy of delivering essential infrastructure for South African communities”, says Logashri. “It has been fantastic working closely with Kostas over the past two years, and I appreciate his support and guidance.” “My vision for SMEC South Africa is to be the consultant of choice, leading in the ͤHOGV RI WHFKQLFDO H[FHOOHQFH YDOXH DQG T he SAGEA Candidate Insights 2020 research report canvassed 2 739 candidates from 88 organisations from March to May this year. SAGEA is a Not IRU 3URͤW 1)3 SURIHVVLRQDO DVVRFLDWLRQ dedicated to connecting and advancing graduate employment. It represents over 340 individuals across more than 200 organisations who are the country’s top talent management specialists. Each survey participant was asked to name up to two organisations whom they

SMECSouthAfricaappointsLogashri SewnarainasCEO

to take this opportunity to thank Kostas for his invaluable contribution to the company RYHU WKH ODVW VL[ \HDUV .RVWDV̵ LQVSLULQJ leadership and strategic contributions to SMEC South Africa has undoubtedly positioned the company for future success.” Logashri holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and is

also a Fellow with the Association of Arbitrators. She LV DQ ([HFXWLYH Board Member of SMEC South Africa and chairs the Social and Ethics Committee of the Board of SMEC South Africa. Logashri is also a board

member of the SOILCO and LDLC. ƒ



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