Construction World August 2020


AN ONGOING PARTNERSHIP AfriSam is synonymous with environmentally conscious

manufacturing processes, honouring their values of ‘People, Planet and Performance’. As a leading supplier

of construction materials, AfriSam has over many years pioneered and sustained numerous initiatives towards a greener planet across all its business units, for the benefit of all stakeholders and at all touchpoints.

products: aggregate, cement and concrete,” says Govender.

resulted in a substantial reduction in our clinker factor without compromising the quality of our products.” Energy and water conservation are ongoing programmes, featuring high on AfriSam’s environmental agenda, according WR *RYHQGHU (QHUJ\ HͦFLHQW OLJKWLQJ has been installed across the company’s FHPHQW UHDG\PL[ DQG DJJUHJDWH TXDUU\ facilities, and water conservation has become a priority in all its operations. “Our programmes focus on reducing the amount of water per ton of cement and DJJUHJDWH SURGXFHG RU SHU WRQ RI UHDG\PL[ SUHSDUHG̹ VKH VD\V ̸2XU UHDG\PL[ SODQWV for instance, have strict re-use and recycling processes, and must recycle at least 50% of their grey water generated, on-site.” Dust suppression remains another critical environmental priority for all AfriSam UHDG\PL[ SODQWV :KHUH GHHPHG QHFHVVDU\ as an additional measure, automatic dust VXSSUHVVLRQ V\VWHPV XVLQJ ͤQH UHF\FOHG water mist have been installed around the SHULPHWHU RI LGHQWLͤHG SODQWV ZLWK DGGLWLRQDO V\VWHPV ZKHUH WKH UHDG\PL[ WUXFNV are loaded. “When it comes to aggregate

“It is in our cement manufacturing

Nivashni Govender is AfriSam’s Environmental Specialist.

business where the most notable impact on the lowering of carbon

emissions is achieved. Our ongoing focus on alternative fuels and resources (AFRs) has allowed us to steadily reduce the amount of coal burnt in our cement kilns, which in turn contributes to lower CO 2 HPLVVLRQV̹ *RYHQGHU VD\V ̸2QH H[DPSOH LV DW RXU 'XGͤHOG SODQW ZKHUH ZH GHYHORSHG DQG LPSOHPHQWHG SURFHVV PRGLͤFDWLRQV to allow us to co-process scrap tyres – a VWUDWHJ\ WKDW DOVR FRQWULEXWHV VLJQLͤFDQWO\ to addressing the environmental hazards posed by tyres when they are disposed of in D ODQGͤOO ̹ Govender continues: “Cement kiln emission improvement has been the AfriSam way for a long time, setting the benchmark for others.” “The introduction of our green cement product range in 2000 added to our goal of becoming one of the lowest CO 2 generators SHU WRQ RI FHPHQW LQ $IULFD̹ VKH H[SDQGV ̸7KH XVH RI H[WHQGHUV LQ RXU FHPHQW KDV

A s one of the top ten CO 2 emitters globally when measured per capita, the cement manufacturing industry is often singled out as the culprit in the greenhouse JDV GHEDWH DQG FRPHV XQGHU ͤUH UHJXODUO\ WR reduce its carbon footprint. “AfriSam was at the forefront to introduce proactive measures in the southern African cement manufacturing sector,” according to Nivashni Govender, environmental specialist at AfriSam. “To put actions to our concerns, we established our own environmental department as early as 1992 and developed an environmental policy just two years later.” “Continuous investment in research and development has enabled AfriSam to improve processes, technology and products with the ultimate goal of energy optimisation and emission reduction encompassing the complete range of our



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