Construction World August 2020
car parking structure on an adjacent site that follows iKhaya’s core SULQFLSOHV GHVLJQHG IRU IXWXUH DGDSWDWLRQ LQWR DQ RͦFH VKRXOG WKHUH be a modal shift towards public transportation and less reliance on private cars. Peter Stokes, a partner at dhk and lead architect on the iKhaya project says, “Capitec is a renowned South African brand that highlights values of simplicity, innovativeness and collaboration. GKN VRXJKW WR FUHDWH DQ H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ZRUOG FODVV RͦFH WKDW LV SURJUHVVLYH DQG UHOHYDQW LQ WKH 6RXWK $IULFDQ FRQWH[W ̰ GHVLJQHG WR EH DJLOH GULYH SURGXFWLYLW\ LQFUHDVH RSHUDWLRQDO HͦFLHQFLHV DQG XOWLPDWHO\ UHGXFH FRPSDQ\ RSHUDWLRQDO H[SHQGLWXUH ̹ ABOUT DHK ARCHITECTS GKN KDV D ͤUPO\ HVWDEOLVKHG UHSXWDWLRQ DV D GHVLJQ OHG multidisciplinary studio which incorporates architecture, urban design, landscape architecture and interior design. More than 110 people contribute to the success of the company across these disciplines making dhk one of the largest architectural practices in Africa. dhk’s integrated approach to design in the built environment, coupled with innovative solutions, has garnered international recognition with projects across Africa DQG LQ (XURSH DQG RͦFHV LQ &DSH 7RZQ DQG -RKDQQHVEXUJ • Developer: Capitec Properties • Architects: dhk Architects • Interior Architects: dhk Architects • Project Manager: SIP • Quantity Surveyor: De Leeuw • Structural, Civil, Rational Fire, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: AECOM • Health and Safety: Solid State Safety • L andscaping: Planning Partners • Main Contractor: WBHO • Interior Designers: Collaboration • Acoustic Consultant: Sound Research Laboratories South Africa • Disability Consultant: Disability Solutions Ltd • Land Surveyor: Friedlaender Burger and Volkmann • Photographer: Dave Southwood, Adam Letch and Wieland Gleich PROJECT TEAM
rainwater harvesting for irrigation, water-wise planting and refuse management to encourage separation of waste and recyclables. To promote employee well-being, the building is purposefully OLPLWHG WR RQO\ WZR SDVVHQJHU OLIWV IRU LWV ZRUNIRUFH RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 2 000. This is supplemented by a variety of generous feature stairs WR HQFRXUDJH ZDONLQJ DQG OLPLW WKH XVH RI FRQͤQHG OLIW VSDFHV $V VXFK WKH ͤUH HVFDSH VWDLUV ZHUH GHVLJQHG IRU GXDO IXQFWLRQDOLW\ ZKHUH WKH TXDOLW\ RI ͤQLVKHV ZHUH XSJUDGHG WKH\ VHUYH DV ‘communication’ stairs. Further promoting employee well-being and to ensure that the needs of universal access were met, Capitec engaged with a disability consultant and an acoustic specialist early on in the design process. The recommendations of both VSHFLDOLVWV ZHUH LQFRUSRUDWHG LQWR WKH EXLOGLQJ )RU H[DPSOH VRXQG absorbing materials and acoustic separation between meeting URRPV ZHUH LQFOXGHG WKURXJKRXW WKH EXLOGLQJ WR DFKLHYH D VSHFLͤHG performance in terms of decibel reduction. Additionally, and beyond the requirements of the regulations, consideration of car parking locations, emergency evacuation, ablutions and vertical circulation, DUH DOO H[DPSOHV RI KRZ WKH VSLULW RI XQLYHUVDO DQG LQFOXVLYH DFFHVV have been addressed. Furthermore, Capitec rehabilitated a neighbouring area of public open space to be used by staff and the broader community as a recreational area for activities such as walking and running. Fittingly, the building also provides cyclist facilities and purpose-designed showers. Looking to the future, the development incorporates a
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