Construction World August 2020
EFFECTIVE SEWERAGE SYSTEMS FOR infrastructure development andmaintenance
E ffective sewerage systems are an essential element of infrastructure planning, development and maintenance. They ensure that communities live in hygienic conditions through the collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater in a non-hazardous manner to people and the environment. A critical function of sewerage systems is to prevent water-borne diseases from becoming active. The success of such systems is dependent on the design of the system, good quality materials and products, good installation and construction practice and continuous monitoring and maintenance to ensure their effectiveness is not compromised during their service life. Rocla, a leading manufacturer of precast concrete products is DQ ,62 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW 6\VWHP FHUWLͤHG FRPSDQ\ DQG manufactures sewerage system products carrying the CMACS Mark of Approval. The range of products that Rocla offers in terms of sewer reticulation are: • Reinforced concrete pipes with HDPE lining – The HDPE lined concrete pipe offers the advantages of a conventional concrete pipe as well as a plastic pipe in that it maintains its shape under load and is inert to acid attack. They are an ideal product for large diameter gravity pipelines in almost any condition. The standard HDPE lining is light green and 3 mm thick.
A HDPE capping strip is welded over the joints after LQVWDOODWLRQ WR SURWHFW WKH H[SRVHG FRQFUHWH DW WKH MRLQWV from corrosive products. These pipes are available from 750 mm diameter pipes. • 5HLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH SLSHV ZLWK D VDFULͤFLDO OD\HU ̰ 7KH company manufactures the following types of reinforced FRQFUHWH SLSHV ZLWK VDFULͤFLDO OD\HU 7KH KRVW SLSH LV manufactured from ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete ZLWK HLWKHU GRORPLWLF RU VLOLFHRXV DJJUHJDWH DQG WKH VDFULͤFLDO layer is manufactured with dolomitic aggregate in an OPC concrete or calcium aluminate cement (CAC) concrete. • 5HLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH SLSHV ZLWK ;\SH[ %,2 6$1 & ̰ &RQFUHWH SLSHV ZLWK ;\SH[ %,2 6$1 & DUH RIIHUHG IRU PP WR PP GLDPHWHU SLSHV ;\SH[ %,2 6$1 & is a uniquely designed • DGPL[WXUH IRU LQWHJUDO ORQJ WHUP SURWHFWLRQ RI FRQFUHWH LQ harsh sewerage conditions with high levels of H 2 S that causes microbial induced corrosion in pipelines. Infrastructure Accessories Supporting precast concrete sewerage accessories include: • Pipes with access hole. • Bends – custom made bends of up to 30 degree can be supplied.
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