Construction World August 2020
WEBINAR SERIES INTRODUCES INDUSTRY TO faster, safer andmore cost-effective constructionmethods
T he construction industry is not renowned for being fast and innovative. In fact, more commonly it is synonymous with project RYHUUXQV DQG XQH[SHFWHG FRVWV ̸7KLV LV VRPHWKLQJ WKH 6RXWK $IULFDQ industry cannot afford, especially in the current environment,” says Peikko Southern Africa MD, Daniel Petrov. The local construction industry should embrace innovation to successfully adapt to and overcome new challenges amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Many projects across the country have lost valuable time, and we know that time is money. Peikko would like to show the industry how new construction methods can change the game going forward,” says Petrov. In line with this, Peikko South Africa and Peikko Group are FR KRVWLQJ D VHULHV RI ZHELQDUV WKH ͤUVW RI ZKLFK WRRN SODFH RQ 1 July 2020 with great success. The webinar introduced the LQGXVWU\ WR WKH FRPSDQ\̵V ͥDJVKLS EROWHG FRQQHFWLRQ V\VWHPV for precast construction. “Peikko Connections offer a cost-effective way to install columns to foundations, column-to-column, beam-to-column, wall-to-wall connections and more. The system is easy to design, needs no temporary bracing, and can be done on site with a relatively small crew,” said Petrov during the webinar. “The limited manpower required LV D KXJH EHQHͤW DPLG WRGD\̵V SK\VLFDO GLVWDQFLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV ̹ Peikko’s innovative anchor bolt and column shoe connection is
ETA (European Technical Assessment) performance assessed and DSSURYHG 7KH FRQQHFWLRQ IXOͤOV WKH (7$ UHTXLUHPHQWV IRU PHFKDQLFDO ͤUH DQG FRUURVLRQ UHVLVWDQFH VWLIIQHVV DQG VKHDU resistance. “Bolted connections locate columns accurately, speed up the erection process, minimise crane time, and enhance safety E\ PD[LPLVLQJ DFFHVVLELOLW\ RQ VLWH̹ H[SODLQHG 3HWURY $ORQJVLGH 'DQLHO 3HWURY 3HLNNR SURGXFW H[SHUW 3HWUL 6XXU Askola co-hosted the webinar and provided insight into the company’s successful track record both in South Africa and internationally, with over 130 000 projects worldwide. From parkades, shopping malls and logistics facilities to heavy industrial structures, piperacks, and open space factories, Peikko has brought safety DQG HͦFLHQF\ WR SURMHFWV DFURVV DOO PDMRU FRQWLQHQWV 7KH ZHELQDU VHULHV ZLOO FRQWLQXH LQ $XJXVW ZLWK WKH QH[W LQVWDOPHQW VHW WR GLVFXVV 3HLNNR̵V 'HOWDEHDP 6OLPͥRRU VSDFH saving solution. The third webinar, scheduled later this year, will look at punching reinforcement for improved structural integrity. The series is aimed at developers, engineers, PQS, architects and contractors and will continue to introduce them to methods DQG WRROV WR HQDEOH IDVWHU DQG PRUH HͦFLHQW SURMHFW GHOLYHU\ 7KHVH methods can help construction teams make up for the valuable time lost due to lockdown and workforce restrictions.
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