Construction World December 2017
minimised the impact that the location of the road would have on the KwaDabeka Valley and site staff respected the requirements of the contract which imposed heavy fines for violations of environmental requirements. The environment was a recurring theme during daily toolbox talks. Specific interventions were the relocation of indigenous trees and the recording and reinstatement of the riverine environment. Numerous audits were carried out and clean bill of health was obtained. The Department of Water and Sanitation has complimented these processes. The KwaDabeka Valley Link on Main Road 577 has been a challenging project. It has been a privilege for the project teams to have worked on it for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport and eThekwini Transport Authority. Given the need to preserve the natural environment of the KwaDabeka tributary to the uMngeni River, it presented the designers with the prospect of literally being caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one side, respecting the integrity of the stream by hugging the cliff, and on the other holding back a shattered rock face which was constantly threatening to fall into the road. The addition of the first dedicated Bus Rapid Transit lanes in Durban to the design and construction process – part way through the contract – added an interesting element to the mix. PROFESSIONAL TEAM • HBL Joint Venture • Project Leader: Henwood & Nxumalo Brian Henwood • RHDHV Principal Specialist Rudi von Fintel • Design Specialist Duncan Butterworth • RHDHV Geometrics and Documentation Rudi von Fintel • RHDHV Geometrics Specialist – Roads Rudi von Fintel • RHDHV Project Principal: Contracts Engineer Gary Swart • RHDHV Resident Engineer Peter Jerome • RHDHV Site Supervision Stefan Landman • Survey Control Kevin Atkinson • Geotechnical Specialists Davies Lynn & Partners
Main Road 577 was developed to provide critical access for local residents to jobs and economic activity in the New Germany and Pinetown areas of Durban. The final result displays the socio- economic impact of how the project teamworked with the community to achieve the goal of providing them access to socio- economic opportunities.
It is to their credit that the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport and the eThekwini Transport Authority as well as the designers and contractors not only met the challenge head on, but came through the experience proud of their achievement, truly ‘Enhancing Society Together’. After having completed the design of a four-lane split-level road, the decision by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport and eThekwini Transport Authority to convert this to a six-lane option (four-lane:two-lane configuration) with the different geometric requirements and pavement design inherent in a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project placed immense pressure on the design team. It is testament to the dedication of the entire professional team that – at no time did the contractor ever wait for drawings. The steep terrain required well planned methods of excavating the cut. The stipulated method of operation permitted the contractor to work in 7 m depths in the cut face. A drilling depth of 7 m was permitted for blasting. 3,5 m of the blasted material was removed by conventional earthmoving methods, the exposed 3,5 m of exposed cut face was inspected and the position of the rock bolts planned and installed before the remaining 3,5 m
of blasted material was removed and the exposed face inspected and the position of the rock bolts planned and installed. The next 7 m depth would then commence – this method was followed for the entire 70 m of cut slope that was removed. Recruitment of labour was carried out through the local ward councillors and their CLOs. A training centre was established which provided construction related skills training to the local labour and community who were then in a position to be employed by the contractors engaged in the construction of this and other phases of P577. The KwaDabeka Valley was the most challenging portion of the MR 577 project as the road had to climb at average grade of 6,2% and as steep as 9,7% in places, along the steep sided valley of the KwaDabeka tributary to the uMngeni, and then into New Germany and Pinetown. The geotechnical challenges faced by the design and construction teams tested their ingenuity to the limit as solutions had to be found to ensure the stability of the rock face. Conditions varied continuously and it was not possible to apply a single solution to rock retention. The natural beauty of the road setting has been the inspiration for exceptional attention to the environment. The designers
• Company entering: Royal HaskoningDHV in JV with Henwood and Nxumalo • Client: eThekwini Transport Authority and KZN Department of Transport • Contractor: Group Five P577 Joint Venture; Umsimbiti Civils (JV Partner)
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