Construction World December 2018
LUCKY WINNERS As usual, various prizes were given away at the Best Projects Awards. Here are the winners.
Ngage gave away a wireless speaker. Renay Tandy, Ngage’s Public Relations Director handed the prize to Mike McDonald, the manager of AfriSam’s Centre of Excellence.
A Makita 18V Cordless DHP482RFE Impact Driver Drill Kit was won by SamMakuwa from Franki Africa. Here he is receiving his prize from Shirley McInnes from Porcupine Productions (representing Makita).
Den Braven Sealants – not only the Bronze Sponsor of Best Projects, but also the sponsor of the Architect category – sponsored a hamper of Den Braven products. Here the Financial Director, Colene Baker hands over the prize to Joe Brinkmann, Director of Jet Demolition.
Concor sponsored two hampers. Jay Juganan, Contracts Director at Concor Infrastructure handed them to Hugo Leite (Tiber Construction) and Victor Bouguenon (CemteQ Building Solutions).
Bronze Sponsor and Sponsor of the Architect category
Main Sponsor
Associate Sponsor
Associate Sponsor
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