Construction World December 2018
RIDGESIDE PRECINCT 1 REMAINDER Ridgeside is a four precinct development that will complete uMhlanga Ridge. The 140 hectare site lies nestled within a rough triangle
A piped stormwater drainage system was constructed along the roads which will discharge into the existing pipe sections that discharge into the central watercourse. The water reticulation system for the development is to be installed off the existing pipeline on Ridgeside Drive while two stormwater attenuation ponds in the central watercourse, one of which will be lined with a HDPE Liner. Gabion control structures between the pond and leading from the ponds together with a HDPE – 1 200 outfall leading to the M4/Lower La Lucia Stormwater Reticulation System has to be constructed. The project also included: i) Ducts with markers for the various service authorities. ii) Sidewalks and banks were topsoiled and grassed. iii) Ancillary roadworks in the form of road marking and signage constructed. iv) Paving for pedestrian crossings.
T his development entailed the construction of four roads (three asphalt roads, one paved road), all civil services (stormwater reticulation, water reticulation, sewer reticulation and cable duct network). The project furthermore required a fully lined attenuation pond, a gabion spillway from the attenuation pond and a large 1 650 mm diameter stormwater network to be constructed. These drain into the attenuation pond. Construction of Roads and Civil Services for Ridgeside Precinct 1 Remainder entailed the provision of sewer and stormwater reticulation and connections to each site. The sewer pipes range from 110 m to 200 mm diameter while the stormwater pipes range from 375 mm to 1 650 mm diameter. The project included clearing and grubbing, bulk earthworks and layerworks for the roads that include: Kikembe Drive from Ncondo Place to Ridgeside Drive, the Western carriageway of Ridgeside Drive from Kikembe to Piazza Access Road and the Piazza Access Road and Piazza Place. All of these roads are to be asphalt surfaced. created by uMhlanga Rocks Drive and two major highways, the M4 and the M41 and on completion will effectively link uMhlanga Ridge to uMhlanga Rocks.
• Company entering: Hatch Africa • Client: Tongaat Hulett
• Project value: R59 900 000 • Start date: February 2017 • End date: August 2018 • Main Contractor: Afriscan Construction • Principal Agent: Hatch Africa • Consulting engineer: Hatch Africa
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