Construction World December 2019

Category: Specialist Contractors or Suppliers

Durbanites are in for a treat with the multi-billion Rand renovation of the Durban Point Waterfront. Dubbed the 'Modern reincarnation of the old Durban', the developers are using words like ‘breathtaking, unimaginable, and magnificent' to describe just how the new Durban Point Waterfront will be. DURBAN POINT PROMENADE

T he Point Promenade was designed with D VXVSHQGHG JURXQG ͥRRU VODE ZLWK JURXQG EHDPV VXSSRUWHG RQ &)$ SLOHV SLOH FDSV DQG DVVRFLDWHG FRQQHFWLRQV ,Q WKH YHU\ unlikely occurrence of a massive storm surge EUHDFKLQJ WKH KLJK WLGH PDUN WKH IRXQGDWLRQV together with a sheet pile wall would ensure WKH VWUXFWXUH UHPDLQV LQWDFW 7R PLPLF the habitat of waves gently caressing the VKRUHOLQH WKH FDQWLOHYHU RQ WKH IURQW (sea facing) side of the promenade was GHVLJQHG ZLWK OLQHV DQG FXUYHV All concrete was cured using Sika $QWLVRO ( FXULQJ FRPSRXQG 6HSDURO *8 =$ shutter release oil was used to provide an H[FHOOHQW RII VKXWWHU FRQFUHWH ͤQLVK RQ DOO FRQFUHWH FROXPQV All expansion joints on walls and facades on the lower club level were primed and VHDOHG XVLQJ 6LND 3ULPHU 1 DQG 6LNDͥH[ &RQVWUXFWLRQ )RU WKH H[SDQVLRQ MRLQWV LQ WKH ORZHU FOXE DQG SURPHQDGH OHYHO 6LND̵V FORVHG cell polyethylene backing cord was used as a MRLQW IRUPHU IROORZHG E\ 6LND 3ULPHU 1 DV D joint primer to the face of the joints followed E\ 6LNDͥH[ 3UR L FXUH Given the importance of the joints and the requirement for a total waterproof VHDO 6LND &RPELͥH[ 6* EDQGDJH V\VWHP ZDV XVHG DV WKH SULPDU\ VHDO 2Q WKH 3URPHQDGH OHYHO D WZR VWHS ZDWHUSURRͤQJ VROXWLRQ ZDV UHTXLUHG WR ensure water tightness on the upper deck due to the Point Watersport clubs EHLQJ EHORZ 6LNDGXU =$ ZKLFK LV D ORZ YLVFRVLW\ FUDFN LQMHFWLRQ UHVLQ ZDV XVHG WR SHUPDQHQWO\ ͤOO DOO VKULQNDJH FUDFNV 6LNDODVWLF ZDV UHLQIRUFHG XVLQJ WKH 6LND JODVV ͤEUH PHVK ensured a watertight barrier over all

WKHVH VKULQNDJH FUDFNV $OO WKH VWDLQOHVV steel handrails along the Promenade were DQFKRUHG XVLQJ 6LND*URXW ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR the wide range of products used across the VLWH 6LND7RS $UPDWHF (SRFHP ERQGLQJ primer was used with our Sika Monotop range RI PRUWDUV IRU JHQHUDO FRQFUHWH GHIHFWV 7R FRXQWHU WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI JUDͦWL DQG IDFLOLWDWH LWV UHPRYDO 6LNDJDUG $* D VLQJOH FRPSRQHQW DQWL JUDͦWL FRDWLQJ ZLOO EH used on the northern and southern side of the SURPHQDGH LQFOXGLQJ DOO VLJQDJH 6LNDJDUG L Silane was used as a concrete protection treatment on the front face of the structure EHORZ WKH FDQWLOHYHU DJDLQVW WKH LQJUHVV RI FKORULGHV IURP WKH PDULQH HQYLURQPHQW A great achievement for the Steffanutti Stocks team was to complete a project of WKLV PDJQLWXGH IURP GHPROLVKLQJ H[LVWLQJ VWUXFWXUHV WR FRPSOHWLRQ LQ PRQWKV ZLWKRXW DQ\ GHOD\V 7R NHHS WR VXFK D WLJKW GHDGOLQH WKH WHDP ZRUNHG H[FHSWLRQDOO\ KDUG 7KH\ managed to cast 20 000 m 2 of concrete to suspended slabs in 6 months – a total of FXELF PHWUHV ƒ


• Company entering: Sika South Africa • Client: Durban Point Waterfront Development Company • Start date: 17 January 2018 • End date: 30 September 2019 • Main contractor: Stefanutti Stocks Coastal • Architect: ,\HU • Quantity surveyor: MLC Quantity Surveyors • Consulting engineer: 1DNR ,OLVR

B E S T P R O J E C T S 2019


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