Construction World December 2019

Category: The AfriSam Innovation Award for Sustainable Construction

WITKLIPFONTEIN GAME FARM The lodge is designed to blend and disappear into the surrounding nature. The ground carpet of the hill has just been lifted a little to slip the house under it. The architecture is a unique combination of traditional vernacular building techniques with modern minimalistic design. Overlooking the plains, panoramic views blur the boundaries between the interior and the surrounding nature allowing for a unique bush living experience.


• Company entering: */+ $UFKLWHFWV • Client: ;DYLHU +X\EHUHFKWV • Start date: May 2015 • End date: June 2018 • Main contractor: 'DPLHQ +X\EHUHFKWV • Architect: */+ $UFKLWHFWV • Consulting engineer: Pure Consulting

T he climate in the Free State region with its large thermal daily variance of 20 degrees lends itself to the use of the principle of thermal mass instead RI PHFKDQLFDO DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ 7KH WKHUPDO PDVV ͥDWWHQV WKH WHPSHUDWXUHV throughout the year by using thick VWRQH ZDOOV HDUWK ZDOOV UDPPHG HDUWK adobe and sandbag) and the green URRI 2WKHU LQQRYDWLRQV DQG XQLTXH IHDWXUHV LQFOXGH DQ DOPRVW IXOO FHPHQW IUHH FRQVWUXFWLRQ D VKXWWHU V\VWHP UHJXODWLQJ KHDW UHF\FOHG JUDQLWH RII FXW ͥRRUV D VXEWHUUDQHDQ GRPH QDWXUDO SRROV ZDVWH ZDWHU WUHDWPHQW SODQW solar water heating and photovoltaic HOHFWULFDO SURGXFWLRQ DQG HDUWK DQG VWUDZ SODVWHU 7KH UHVXOW LV D XQLTXH home that breathes the surrounding QDWXUH DQG EOHQGV LQWR LW Witklipfontein Lodge aims to embody modern sustainability and is packed with simple and forgotten basic design and building techniques making LW D VKRZFDVH SURMHFW LQ WKH ͤHOG RI JUHHQ EXLOGLQJ ƒ

B E S T P R O J E C T S 2019


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