Construction World December 2019


The Best Projects Awards took place on 6 November at the Rand Club in Johannesburg. Some 200 guests attended these annual awards. It was the 18 th year Best Projects recognised achievement in the built environment. This issue is dedicated to the winners and finalists. T he Best Project Awards is one of

Phase 1 (main contractor Concor Buildings) while Hi Hotel, Montecasino (Tiber Ohlhorst 0RGXODU UHFHLYHG D +LJKO\ &RPPHQGHG award and Rosebank Link :%+2 &RQVWUXFWLRQ UHFHLYHG D VSHFLDO PHQWLRQ Specialist Contractors or Suppliers 7KLV FDWHJRU\ KDG -RLQW :LQQHUV Bundu Reservoir (Corestruc) and The Leonardo $IUL6DP $ 6SHFLDO 0HQWLRQ DZDUG ZDV given to Christian Revival Church on Witkoppen (Fortem Consulting Engineers and Creative (QJLQHHULQJ Consulting Engineers This category had a healthy 16 entries and was won by SMEC South Africa for the Construction of Main Road 118 in Namibia $(&20 UHFHLYHG D +LJKO\ &RPPHQGHG Award for the )TQYVJRQKPV .CMGUKFG 1HƒEGU while Special Mentions were awarded to Azambi Hydropower Project (Knight Piésold) and Rosslyn Brewery Cogeneration plant +DWFK Architects ,Q WKH $UFKLWHFWV FDWHJRU\ WZR SURMHFWV UHFHLYHG DZDUGV ,W ZDV ZRQ E\ The Leonardo &R $UF ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $UFKLWHFWV

,QF ZKLOH */+ $UFKLWHFWV ZDV +LJKO\ Commended for 2 Pybus Road. AfriSam Innovation Award for Sustainable Construction )TQYVJRQKPVŨU .CMGUKFG 1HƒEGU (AECOM) was WKH ZLQQHU LQ WKLV FDWHJRU\ The Leonardo &R $UF ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $UFKLWHFWV ,QF ZDV +LJKO\ &RPPHQGHG ZKLOH :LWNOLSIRQWHLQ (FR /RGJH */+ $UFKLWHFWV DQG Oxford Parks Phase 1 (Concor Buildings) received Special 0HQWLRQ DZDUGV ƒ

Construction World’s brand extensions and is the only award in South Africa that recognises excellence across all disciplines LQ WKH EXLOW HQYLURQPHQW They are independently judged by 7UXHPDQ *RED 1LFR 0DDV DQG 5RE 1HZEHUU\ VWDOZDUWV LQ WKH 6RXWK $IULFDQ FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ DQG ZKR EHWZHHQ them have a wealth of experience DQG NQRZOHGJH 6WDUWHG LQ WKH DZDUGV KDYH JURZQ to become a prestigious recognition of H[FHOOHQFH 'HVSLWH WKH FKDOOHQJLQJ WLPHV WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ LQGXVWU\ LV H[SHULHQFLQJ WKH DZDUGV DWWUDFWHG HQWULHV At its height – in the period 2010 to 2012 – Best Projects attracted more than HQWULHV DQQXDOO\ 7KH IDFW WKDW LW KDV VLQFH WKHQ PDQDJHG WR VWLOO DWWUDFW WR 60 entries is proof that the construction LQGXVWU\ UHJDUGV WKLV DZDUG DV VLJQLͤFDQW DQG VXSSRUWV LW ZHOO The Awards are made possible by $IUL6DP WKH PDLQ VSRQVRU 'HQ %UDYHQ (bronze sponsor) and CCS and Sika South $IULFD ERWK DVVRFLDWH VSRQVRUV Building Contractors This category was won by Oxford Parks

Best Projects is independently judged by (from left) Trueman Goba, Nico Maas and Rob Newberry, stalwarts in the South African construction industry, and who between them have a wealth of experience and knowledge.

B E S T P R O J E C T S 2019


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