Construction World December 2020

L RFDWHG ULJKW RQ WKH $OODQGDOH LQWHUFKDQJH RI WKH 1 KLJKZD\ DW the eastern side of this latest growth node in Gauteng, the new SUHPLVHV FRQVROLGDWHV 'HORLWWH̵V :RRGPHDG DQG 7VKZDQH RͦFHV LQ D VLQJOH FHQWUDO ORFDWLRQ &RQVLVWLQJ RI Pt RI ZRUNVSDFH WR DFFRPPRGDWH FORVH WR HPSOR\HHV WKH EXLOGLQJ FRPSULVHV D JURXQG ͥRRU ZLWK VL[ VWRUH\V RI RͦFHV DQG IRXU EDVHPHQW SDUNLQJ OHYHOV LQFOXGLQJ QHDUO\ SDUNLQJ ED\V 7KH PRUH WKDQ 5 ELOOLRQ EXLOGLQJ LV FR RZQHG by Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed Attacq and Atterbury, which ZDV DOVR WKH SURMHFW GHYHORSHU 6WRUP :DWHUSURRͤQJ 6\VWHPV D OHDGLQJ 6RXWK $IULFDQ ZDWHU SURRͤQJ FRQWUDFWRU ZDV FRQWUDFWHG E\ WKH SULQFLSDO EXLOGLQJ FRQWUDFWRU :%+2 WR SURYLGH WKH FXWWLQJ HGJH ZDWHUSURRͤQJ VHUYLFHV 7KH FRPSDQ\ ZDV DZDUGHG WKH FRQWUDFW EDVHG RQ WKH high-quality service it supplied to the leading building contractor on SUHYLRXV SURMHFWV DV D VSHFLDOLVW ZDWHUSURRͤQJ VXEFRQWUDFWRU 7KLV is in addition to its longstanding working relationship with other representatives of the professional team, namely Norval Wentel 6WHLQEHUJ TXDQWLW\ VXUYH\RUV DQG (PSRZHUHG 6SDFHV $UFKLWHFWV Both companies could also attest to the high-quality service that 6WRUP :DWHUSURRͤQJ 6\VWHPV RIIHUV SCP products penetrate into the concrete capillary and pore structure after bleed water exits, reacting with free alkali to primarily form additional Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) ZLWKLQ WKH FRQFUHWH 7KLV UHDFWLRQ VWRSV KDUPIXO PRLVWXUH migration within the concrete matrix to acceptable levels IRU FRDWLQJV FRYHULQJV DQG ͥRRULQJ ,W HQKDQFHV UHVLVWDQFH to chemical and environmental attack; provides permanent SURWHFWLRQ LQFUHDVHV GXUDELOLW\ and cost-effective, as well as faster means of waterproofing a total of 18 828 m 2 of concrete slabs for new Deloitte head-office in Waterfall City in Midrand. The area covered on this new development included the ground and first floor, as well as roof. DELOITTE RIVER CREEK Spraylock Africa helped provide a more precise

Impressively, the same team, which was also trained by SprayLock Africa ahead of the application and received additional support on-site by Sheldon White and a representative of the company’s SULQFLSDO DOVR WUHDWHG P of concrete slabs at the Illovo Central development in Sandton with SCP products during this SHULRG ,OORYR &HQWUDO LV DQRWKHU RI ):-.̵V DWWUDFWLYH UHVLGHQWLDO KLJK ULVHV WR JUDFH WKH 6DQGWRQ VN\OLQH 7KLV H[FOXVLYH VHOHFWLRQ RI VRSKLVWLFDWHG UHVLGHQFHV RIIHUV VWRUH\V RI HOHYDWHG OX[XU\ OLYLQJ &HUWDLQO\ FRRUGLQDWLQJ RSHUDWLRQV EHWZHHQ WKH WZR SURMHFW VLWHV was a complex undertaking – a challenge that was exacerbated by PDQ\ UDLQ\ GD\V GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU VHDVRQ Topical sealers, which include acrylics, epoxies and polyurethanes, form protective barriers on top of the concrete VXUIDFH 6RPH RI WKH FRPPRQ LVVXHV ZKHQ DSSO\LQJ SURWHFWLYH ͤOP VHDOHUV DUH VXUIDFH WUDͦF DQG SURSHU DSSOLFDWLRQ $FU\OLF DQG HSR[\ sealers require regular maintenance as they both have a high wear SRWHQWLDO :KLOH SRO\XUHWKDQH VHDOHUV DUH WKLFNHU ZLWK D GXUDEOH DEUDVLRQ UHVLVWDQW ͤQLVK WKHUH FDQQRW EH DQ\ ZDWHU RQ WKH VXUIDFH GXULQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ $OO WRSLFDO VHDOHUV DOVR QHHG WR EH UHDSSOLHG ZKHQ ͥRRULQJ LV UHPRYHG RYHU D VHDOHG VXUIDFH While SCP products also penetrate the surface, they work GLIIHUHQWO\ WKDQ RWKHU VHDOHUV 7KH & 6 + WKDW LV FUHDWHG ZKHQ WKH colloidal silica chemically reacts with the available alkali in concrete EORFNV FDSLOODULHV DQG SRUHV DQG FKHPLFDOO\ VWDELOLVHV WKH S+ ZLWKLQ SCP technology is a one-time treatment that penetrates the concrete matrix, reducing water migration levels to an acceptable range for PRVW FRDWLQJV DGKHVLYHV DQG ͥRRU FRYHULQJV Within the SCP product interaction zone, the concrete becomes SHUPDQHQWO\ GDPSSURRIHG IRU WKH OLIH RI WKH FRQFUHWH 8QOLNH WRSLFDO treatments, SCP technology does not wear away or need to be UHDSSOLHG 6&3 WUHDWPHQW DOVR SURYLGHV PDQ\ DGGLWLRQDO EHQHͤWV 7HVWLQJ KDV GHPRQVWUDWHG D W\SLFDO GHFUHDVH RI WR RI GU\LQJ VKULQNDJH DW GD\V DQG D W\SLFDO GHFUHDVH RI WR RI water vapour transmission of SCP-treated concrete compared WR FRQWUROV ƒ

6&3 LV DSSOLHG ZLWKLQ KRXUV RI SODFHPHQW RI the concrete and once the substrate is hard enough to DFFRPPRGDWH WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ WHDP *HQHUDOO\ 6&3 LV DSSOLHG RQFH WKH SRZHU ͥRDWHUV KDYH ͤQLVKHG ͥRDWLQJ WKH FRQFUHWH Working to a strict programme that was determined by the


principal contractor, Stormwater :DWHUSURRͤQJ 6\VWHPV̵ WHDP WUHDWHG EHWZHHQ P DQG P RI VXUIDFH LQ D GD\ 7KLV LPSUHVVLYH production rate included preparing WKH VXUIDFH DKHDG RI DSSOLFDWLRQ The task at hand was an extensive undertaking, starting with P RI JURXQG ͥRRU IROORZHG E\ WKH P ͤUVW ͥRRU DQG P URRI VWUXFWXUH :DWHUSURRͤQJ FRPPHQFHG DW WKH HQG RI DQG ZDV FRPSOHWHG on time and according to quality LQ PLG

• Company entering: Spraylock Africa • Client: River Creek Joint Venture • Start date: 18 April 2019 • End date: 18 February 2020

• Main Contractor: WBHO • Architect: Aevitas Group • Principal Agent: Aevitas Group • Quantity Surveyor: Norval Wentzel Steinberg • Consulting Engineer: DG Consulting Engineers • 9CVGTRTQQƒPI 6WRUP :DWHUSURŖQJ




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