Construction World December 2020
LA LUCIA MALL La Lucia Mall is conveniently located off the M4 highway to Durban in the leafy suburb of La Lucia. Originally completed in 1974 the mall has received numerous extensions and refurbishments over the years, each resulting in added value of an additional tenant offering or aesthetic modification.
The brief to the design team was to produce a world-class design for an internationally branded 5-star hotel and serviced apartments scheme. The design had to seamlessly integrate the building with the existing principles of New Urbanism already established in the Melrose Arch precinct, and to provide for a dual branded property with shared services. T KH NH\ 0DUULRWW +RWHO DQG 0DUULRWW ([HFXWLYH $SDUWPHQWV LQ WDQGHP ZLWK D VLPLODU KHLJKW DGMDFHQW UHVLGHQWLDO VFKHPH called One on Whiteley, was designed around an enclosed private ODQGVFDSHG FRXUW\DUG IRU WKH WZR EXLOGLQJV Additionally, a double volume perimeter public areas of the hotel and branded apartments, was envisioned to create a human scale interface with the public at street level, and to integrate this new RIIHULQJ ZLWKLQ WKH SUHFLQFW 7KH -RKDQQHVEXUJ 0DUULRWW +RWHO RIIHUV WKH SXEOLF DFFHVV to a unique new offering within the greater precinct, with an DHVWKHWLF DͦQLW\ WR WKH H[LVWLQJ DUFKLWHFWXUDO H[SUHVVLRQ EXW DQ H[SUHVVLRQ RI PDWHULDOV ZKLFK SURYLGHV D GLVWLQFW LGHQWLW\ 7KH 0DUULRWW +RWHO LV WKH VLJQDWXUH EUDQG RI 0DUULRWW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO whose F&B offering is integral to the guest experience, including JOHANNESBURG MARRIOTTHOTEL& MARRIOTT EXECUTIVE APARTMENTS
A key feature to this refurbishment is that of the warm natural timber slatted ceiling detail located at the atriums on both the ORZHU DQG XSSHU OHYHOV &KDOOHQJHV IDFHG ZHUH WKH OLPLWHG YRLG VSDFH above the ceiling height into which the detail was set, the weight of WKH VWUXFWXUH DV ZHOO DV WKH FRRUGLQDWLRQ RI H[LVWLQJ VHUYLFHV Great lengths were taken to ensure a sophisticated compilation RI WKH PHPEHUV ZLWK FRQFHDOHG ͤ[LQJ 7KLV ZDV DFKLHYHG E\ collaboration between the architect, engineers, principal contractor DQG WKH VXEFRQWUDFWRU The most important design intention was to lean towards clean, cool designs that would allow the shops themselves to be the FHQWUH RI DWWHQWLRQ ,W̵V D VWHS DZD\ IURP WKH EDURTXH H[WUDYDJDQFH RI /D /XFLD 0DOOV ROG LQWHULRU DQG D VWHS WRZDUGV QHXWUDO HOHJDQFH to provide a more tranquil experience for both the retailers and the FXVWRPHUV :DUPWK PDWHULDO DQG YDULRXV WH[WXUHV KDYH EHHQ XVHG LQ the palette, but it’s executed in a way that’s quite restrained, to allow WKH UHWDLOHU WKH VKRS IURQW WR VKLQH 7KH SURMHFW FRPPHQFHG LQ -DQXDU\ DQG UDQ WKURXJK WR SUDFWLFDO FRPSOHWLRQ LQ 6HSWHPEHU 1LJKW VKLIWV LQWURGXFH D level of disruption as areas under construction need to be made clean and safe for public access the following day thereby H[WHQGLQJ WKH SURMHFW GXUDWLRQ 7KH UHIXUELVKPHQW LQFRUSRUDWHG H[FHOOHQW ͤQLVKLQJ VSHFLͤFDWLRQV ZKLFK ZHUH H[HFXWHG ZLWK D
The Archery Bar & Eatery as well as Keystone %LVWUR 7KH 0DUULRWW Hotel is divided into three distinct vertical zones consisting
high standard of quality allowing the centre to continue is reputation within WKH UHWDLO VSDFH A detailed quality process was implemented and carried out with much attention to detail from the onset of the SURMHFW
• Company entering: Bentel Associates International • Client: $0'(& 3URSHUW\ 'HYHORSPHQW • Start date: 2FWREHU • End date: 'HFHPEHU • Architect: Bentel Associates International • Principal Agent: $0'(& • Quantity Surveyor: Darcy Hedding Partnership • Consulting Engineer: Anderson Consulting Engineers
• Company entering: Bentel Associates International • Client: Growthpoint Properties
• Start date: -DQXDU\ • End date: 6HSWHPEHU • Main Contractor: WBHO
of basement parking, two SXEOLF ͥRRUV and the hotel and serviced apartment DERYH
• Architect: Bentel Associates International • Principal Agent: 0 $IULFD &RQVXOWLQJ • Quantity Surveyor: RLB Pentad • Consulting Engineer: Escongweni BPI
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