Construction World December 2020
EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION TRIUMPH At the end of a most challenging year, Construction World held its 19 th annual Best Projects Awards in Johannesburg on 4 November. Despite challenges brought on, and exacerbated by, the national lockdown and the massive lack of government investment that existed pre-COVID, the awards had 38 entries. This is proof that even in times of difficulty, excellence and innovation triumph.
A friSam was the main sponsor and has EHHQ VSRQVRULQJ WKLV HYHQW IRU \HDUV Den Braven was both a bronze sponsor and also sponsored the Architects category while 6LND ZDV DQ DVVRFLDWH VSRQVRU The event was held in the historic Thunder Walker on Gandhi Square in -RKDQQHVEXUJ DQG OLPLWHG WR JXHVWV WR DGKHUH WR &29,' UHVWULFWLRQV The Civil Engineering Contractors category was won by Concor for the 5RJJHYHOG :LQG )DUP 7KH SURMHFW ZDV also Highly Commended for the AfriSam Innovation Award for Sustainable &RQVWUXFWLRQ In the Building Contractors category the ZLQQLQJ SURMHFW ZDV E\ &RQFRU IRU 2[IRUG 3DUNV 3KDVH ZKLOH :%+2 ZRQ WZR Highly Commended Awards for UP (QJLQHHULQJ DQG '69 3DUN *DXWHQJ 2[IRUG 3DUNV 3KDVH ZDV DOVR +LJKO\ Commended for the AfriSam Innovation
$ZDUG IRU 6XVWDLQDEOH &RQVWUXFWLRQ 7KHUH ZHUH WZR 6SHFLDO 0HQWLRQV LQ WKH 6SHFLDOLVW &RQWUDFWRU RU 6XSSOLHU &DWHJRU\ These were for Kaalfontein Pedestrian Bridge (CoreCivils) and Botha Halte (Terraforce/ 'HFRUWRQ 5HWDLQLQJ 6\VWHPV 7KH ZLQQHU LQ this category was Sika South Africa for the 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ RI 'XUEDQ +HLJKWV 5HVHUYRLU The Consulting Engineers category was ZRQ E\ -* $IULND IRU &RDVWDO 3DUN 0DWHULDO̵V 5HFRYHU\ 6LWH 7KH SURMHFW ZDV DOVR WKH Winner of the AfriSam Innovation Award for 6XVWDLQDEOH &RQVWUXFWLRQ The Architects category attracted the PRVW HQWULHV DQG IRXU DZDUGV ZHUH PDGH $ 6SHFLDO 0HQWLRQ DZDUG ZDV JLYHQ WR 7VKZDQH 5HJLRQDO 0DOO 69$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO in association with Afro Plan Architects), while dhk Architects and Bentel Associates International both won Highly Commended Awards for respectively Capitec Bank +HDGTXDUWHUV DQG 'HVWLQ\_5DGLVVRQ +RWHO
The category was won by Boogertman + Partners/Tiber Construction for Sandton *DWH 3KDVH
Main sponsor
Bronze sponsor
Associate sponsor
ROB NEWBERRY • Initially studied Quantity
NICO MAAS • 0DVWHUV GHJUHH LQ &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ • Chairman of Gauteng Piling • Chairman of Federate Employers 0XWXDO • Serves on cidb board • 3DVW 3UHVLGHQW RI 0%$ 1RUWK DQG 0%6$
TRUEMAN GOBA • Registered professional engineer VLQFH • (VWDEOLVKHG *RED 0DRKOROL Associates, which later merged with Keeve Steyn to form what became *RED QRZ SDUW RI +DWFK $IULFD • President of the SA Academy of Engineering • Honorary Doctorates in Engineering awarded by Stellenbosch University, .ZD=XOX 1DWDO DQG 0F0DVWHU LQ Canada
Surveying and then completed Honours Degree in Construction 0DQDJHPHQW • Has worked in construction industry for over three decades • Former director of Grinaker-LTA • Past president of CIOB Africa • Founding member of Government’s 6WDWXWRU\ &RXQFLO IRU 3URMHFW 0DQDJHPHQW
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