Construction World December 2021


P urchas ing property on a steep slope of ten leaves the owner faced wi th finding a safe, but also attract ive way to create enough level bui lding space for thei r dream home. In thi s case, two plots needed level l ing to al low opt imal space for two new luxur y vi l las and generous gardens to be bui l t on the slopes of Paarl Mountain, South Af rica. The Terraforce retaining wal l system was proposed by Energy Master Bui lders , of fering the most cost- ef fect ive and aesthet ical ly pleas ing solut ion, and Decorton Retaining Systems , Terraforce Recommended Contractor, were contracted to instal l the retaining wal ls on both propert ies . Says SP van Blerk , Decorton: “The instal lat ion was straight forward, on a concrete foundat ion wi th the speci fied drainage system and geofabric reinforcement for added stabi l i ty. To green up the wal ls , trees and shrubs were planted along the terraces and bottom boundaries of the wal ls , whi le some sect ions were planted wi th fast growing creepers that wi l l eventual ly cover most of the blocks . The resul t? A sof ter, greener solut ion to a problem that would have otherwi se warranted sol id concrete wal ls that cannot not be planted eas i ly and cost a fortune.” 

• Company entering: Terraforce • Project start date: October 2018 • Project end date: December 2019 • Client: Johan Visser • Main Contractor: Energy Master Builders • Architect: e-design studio • Principal Agent: Energy Masterbuilders • Consulting Engineer: A19 • Subcontractor: Decorton Retaining Systems PROJECT INFORMATION



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