Construction World December 2021
Design innovation The completed road has a weight-bearing capaci ty of 8,4 t /m 2 . The move process took only a few days , but Kenmare scheduled up to eight weeks of downt ime, owing to the t ime needed to drain the relocat ion pond, prepare the assets for the transporters , and re- establ i sh them once they arrived at Pi l ivi l i . The rare opportuni ty to access the WCP B and the dredge in dr y condi t ions was used to undertake some maintenance work , as they wi l l not be requi red to move again during thei r economic l i fe. The road now ser ves as the main access road between the Pi l ivi l i ore zone and the main operat ional area an Namalope, where the mineral separat ion plant , camp, and Kenmare’s other mining operat ions are located. I t wi l l also be used by the Moma mine’s host communi t ies . Environmental impact consideration During the construct ion of the road, careful water management was cri t ical to the envi ronmental sustainabi l i ty and integri ty of al l these systems , involving over 500 000 m 3 of water. During the des ign phase, several opt ions were cons idered and some of these opt ions had envi ronmental impacts which made the des ign cons iderat ions even more chal lenging. Some opt ions which made the des ign task more chal lenging were that mass cement stabi l i sat ion in the road layer works was not al lowed, due to the close proximi ty of human sett lement and the act ive rural communi ty as wel l as the long-term impact on flora
and fauna. The use of seawater for construct ion also posed a problem in the ef fect that i t could have on surrounding flora and fauna. Other envi ronmental cons iderat ions were the s i l t ing of the Mualadi River cross ing during the construct ion of the float-over channel and cof fer dams were implemented to minimi se thi s . Motivational facts about the project Thi s record-breaking move was completed safely whi le overcoming many chal lenges as a resul t of COVID-19. in a harsh and di f ficul t remotely located s i te. Despi te the impact of COVID-19 the move was completed only three weeks af ter the planned date.
• Company entering: Hatch Africa • Project start date: July 2019 • Project end date: December 2021 • Client: Kenmare Resources (Moma Titanium Minerals Mine) • Main Contractor: TPH Mozambique LDA • Project Manager: Kenmare Projects Director • Quantity Surveyor: Professional Cost Consultants • Consulting Engineer: Hatch Africa • Subcontractor: Mammoet Southern Africa • Subcontractor: Binvic
56 20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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