Construction World December 2021
ACSA WESTERN PRECINCT OFFICES W SP in Af rica was appointed for des ign and construct ion moni toring on the new Ai rports Company South Af rica (ACSA) Western Precinct Of fices development .
ai rport had to be taken into cons iderat ion f rom an engineering perspect ive. WSP’s Structural team managed al l des ign, civi l and structural engineering components of the project . Throughout the conceptual and detai led des ign phases the team made use of Revi t Model l ing / Draught ing as the primar y sof tware to ensure detai led cons i stency was maintained. Addi t ional ly, a Bui lding Informat ion Model l ing (BIM) plat form was used for the des ign and analys i s of al l civi l and structural engineering components , preparat ion of construct ion documentat ion and quant i ty take-of fs . The team also worked closely wi th the cl ient to ensure successful project construct ion execut ion. Al l project del iverables have been in l ine wi th cl ient ’s expectat ions and in accordance wi th coordinated archi tect and bui lding ser vice consul tants’ drawings and speci ficat ions . Some of the innovat ive des ign features of thi s project are in relat ion to the l ink bridge between Bui lding A+B. The archi tect had requested a clear di stance of 16,8 mx 16,8 m in the entrance atrium below wi th no vert ical support structure.
The ACSA Western Precinct Of fices (AWPO) i s a new turn-key commercial development s i tuated adjacent to OR Tambo Internat ional Ai rport . AWPO forms part of ACSA’s strategy to expand the ai rport ’s of fering and to drive new sources of growth for the ent i re region. Construct ion started in May 2019 wi th pract ical complet ion achieved in June 2021. The bui lding compri ses a 5 storey parkade for use by both the publ ic and AWPO tenants . The parkade also forms the base of a landscaped podium level , upon which three sculptural bui lding forms are located. These bui lding forms provide whi te-box of fice space for ACSA, the South Af rican Civi l Aviat ion Authori ty (CAA) and a future tenant . The object ive of the bui ldings forming separate mul t i -tenant spaces i s to turn the precinct into the neighbourhood's new landmark whi le maintaining vi sual harmony wi th the surrounding envi ronment . Addi t ional ly, the bui lding i s target ing a 4 Star Green SA As -Bui l t rat ing f rom the Green Bui lding Counci l of South Af rica (GBCSA) . Some of the chal lenges posed during thi s project included that the s i te i s located on a previously shaded carport parking area pos i t ioned between main entrance roads to the ai rport , and the construct ion planning needed to factor in cont inuous traf fic to and f rom the ai rport . The s i te also presented chal lenging ground condi t ions wi th a high-water table that requi red the use of dump- rock and cont inuous fl ight auger pi les for the foundat ion construct ion. Whi lst the bulk earthworks was in progress a sewer main l ine was di scovered, the relocat ion of thi s exi st ing ‘ l ive’ sewer l ine ser vicing the ai rport precinct requi red careful planning to ensure uninterrupted ser vice to the ai rport . Addi t ional ly, access , heal th and safety aspects related to construct ion near a ful ly operated
• Company entering: WSP in Africa • Project start date: May 2019 • Project end date: June 2021 • Client: Airports Company South Africa • Main Contractor: Tiber • Architects: Paragon Achitects • Principal Agent: MMQSMACE • Project Manager: MMQSMACE • Quantity Surveyor: MMQSMACE
• Tiber were part of the ACSA Western Precinct Consortium which was the development team that delivered the project. • Tiber were also the appointed Main Contractor responsible for the delivery of the complete project.
12 Desmond Street, Kramerville l (011) 430-7700 l l
Tiber Construction 180x85 mm.indd 1
2021/11/30 10:58:57 AM
62 20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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