Construction World December 2021



internat ional law fi rm as a tenant for the development proposal , which would bring investment and future revenue to the municipal i ty that previously was unavai lable. The des ign brief was to maximi se the permi ss ible floor area rat io, coverage and height as far as poss ible on a narrow, long s i te. The bui lding was to be des igned wi th i ts own corporate ident i ty when viewed against the Sasol development , which proved to be a key des ign chal lenge on the project . Standing at a total of four storeys above ground, the bui lding cons i sts of 3,5 basement parking levels . The des ign process explored how best to create a new of fice bui lding in close proximi ty to Sasol ’s three-storey black basement façade, which would both complement Sasol ’s basement façade in scale, and also have i ts own brand ident i ty when viewed against Sasol , whi le cons idering the strict fi re requi rements due to the

A lchemy Propert ies i s the co-owner of neighbouring bui lding the Sasol Head Of fice. The s i te, on the corner of Albertyn Road and Katherine Street , was ini t ial ly a taxi rank on the corner of Sasol , but Alchemy Propert ies had the vi s ion to convert the exi st ing taxi rank on behal f of the municipal i ty to a new premium- grade of fice bui lding independent of Sasol . By transforming the taxi rank on the corner of Katherine Street and Albertyn Road into a P-grade of fice development , Alchemy Propert ies would complete the Sasol precinct wi th a strong, street- facing corporate ident i ty that was previously unmanaged and rundown. Alchemy Propert ies was able to secure an

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ORION PROJECT MANAGEMENT_52 Katherine Street .indd 2

2021/11/24 02:41:15 PM

70 20 th Best Project Awards 2021

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