Construction World December 2021


FAIRBRIDGE MALL F ai rbridge i s s i tuated on the corner of Old Paarl Road and Brackenfel l Boulevard in Brackenfel l South, Cape Town. The mal l was redeveloped f rom a poorly per forming retai l only space to a mixed use of fering, wi th Checkers Hyper as the anchor tenant on the ground floor and commercial of fice space for Checkers Hyper on levels 1 and 2. Our goal was to create a beaut i ful ly s imple yet dynamic bui lding form. The concept i s of a whi te glass box s i tt ing on top of a black glass box. The whi te glass box accommodates the of fice component whi le the black glass box contains the retai l component . I t i s a sl ick minimal i st ic des ign that makes a dynamic statement in i ts context . I ts des ign impact i s the s impl ici ty of form and concept . Design considerations • Clear wel l -planned retai l layout on the ground floor. • Act ive f ront fa ç ades . • Convenient access and parking. • Incorporat ing a courtyard in the des ign ass i sts wi th insulat ion underneath. Thi s ass i sts wi th thermal gain and loss which reduces AC consumpt ion. • The colour and thermal per formance of the curtain wal l glaz ing has been opt imi zed, further ass i st ing wi th reduced AC consumpt ion. • Skyl ights above the shopping mal l provides natural l ight , therefore reducing l ight ing requi rement to the mal l . • Pass ive des ign solut ions such as the cant i lever of the 2 nd floor of fice over the 1st floor of fice, providing shade to the north and west elevat ions on the 1 st floor. • Fri tted whi te glass i s incorporated on the 1 st floor of fice façade as a means of glare and heat load reduct ion. natural l ight ing to the of fice floor plates . • Both concrete and metal sheet roofs have

Fai rbridge Mal l of fers 25 shops which are located on a s ingle retai l level , wi th Checkers Hyper as the anchor tenant . Nat ional brands represented include Cl icks , Capi tec, Checkers Liquor, Mi ladys , PEP Home and PnP Clothing. The s i te of fers 1 056 outs ide parking bays wi th easy access to the retai l level via three entrances . The redevelopment of thi s poorly per forming mal l resul ted in a compact , convenience-orientated retai l of fering that ser vices not only the local area but the many Checkers staf f who are accommodated in the new bui lding and in the adjacent Checkers head of fice campus . Checkers Hyper Brackenfel l has become one of the group’s flagship branches . The state-of-the-art shop promi ses a world-class shopping experience wi th a strong emphas i s on f resh food and convenience. The store of fers a unique shopping experience wi th a cof fee bar, wine store, sushi bar, pi zza oven, imported rodi z io gri l l , food truck , and in-store Kauai . The high-end baker y features wel l known brands l ike Schoon and Houwhoek Pies . A one-stop-shop, thi s flagship store also has a dedicated wel lness sect ion, party shop, and improved pet department . 


• Company entering: Vivid Architects • Project start date: June 2019 • Project end date: 12 August 2021 • Client: Shoprite Holdings • Main Contractor: Isipani Construction • Architects: Vivid Architects • Principal Agent: Vivid Architects • Quantity Surveyors: Senekal Allen & Partners • Consulting Engineer: KLS Consulting

78 20 th Best Project Awards 2021

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