Construction World December 2021
V opak South Af rica Developments , a joint venture between Royal Vopak and Reat i le Resources ( referred to here as ‘ VSAD’ ) i s undertaking the development of a bulk storage faci l i ty known as the Vopak Terminal Lesedi , in Heidelberg, Gauteng Province. Central to mani fest ing VSAD’s requi rement to achieve a high-qual i ty indoor envi ronment for the faci l i ty’s Admin bui lding that focuses on the wel l - being of the bui lding’s occupants i s a sophi st icated and complex advanced Heat ing, Vent i lat ion & Ai r Condi t ioning (HVAC) system. Thi s cons i sts of a mixed- mode vent i lat ion system that opt imi ses the use of natural vent i lat ion when the outs ide ai r condi t ions are des i rable, and swi tches to mechanical ai r condi t ioning when the outs ide condi t ions are not favourable. The Admin bui lding des ign incorporates an extens ive range of envi ronmental ly sustainable ini t iat ives , and achieved a 5-Star Green Star South Af rica Of fice v1.1 Des ign rat ing f rom the Green Bui lding Counci l of South Af rica (GBCSA) . Vopak South Af rica Developments (VSAD) , a joint venture between Royal Vopak and Reat i le Resources i s undertaking the development of a bulk storage faci l i ty known as the Vopak Terminal Lesedi (VTL) , in Heidelberg, Gauteng Province. The purpose of the project was to des ign and implement a VTL Admin bui lding incorporat ing an extens ive range of wel l - integrated envi ronmental ly sustainable ini t iat ives in l ine wi th the Green Star South Af rica Of fice v1.1 cert i ficat ion tool f rom the Green Bui lding Counci l of South Af rica (GBCSA) . These were to achieve outstanding indoor envi ronmental qual i ty, energy ef ficiency and water- saving, in order to reduce the bui lding’s carbon footprint and the related global warming ef fect . In order to accompl i sh VSAD’s requi rement to achieve a high-qual i ty indoor envi ronment that focuses on the wel l -being of the bui lding’s occupants , the bui lding features pass ive des ign combined wi th an advanced Heat ing, Vent i lat ion & Ai r Condi t ioning (HVAC) system. Thi s cons i sts of a mixed-mode vent i lat ion system that opt imi ses the use of natural vent i lat ion when the outs ide ai r condi t ions are des i rable, and swi tches to mechanical ai r condi t ioning when the outs ide condi t ions are not favourable. The project has achieved a 5-Star Green Star South Af rica rat ing and preparat ion for appl icat ion for an As - bui l t rat ing i s under cons iderat ion. Construct ion exempl i fies passive design The VTL Admin bui lding project was target ing a net zero energy per formance; hence the start ing point was pass ive des ign. Various opt ions related to the bui lding envelope and façade treatment were cons idered and model led in order to opt imi se the choice and the per formance of the act ive systems . Reflect ing thi s , the bui lding includes large roof
overhangs suf ficient to cast shadows on the bui lding’s north, east and western façades , whereas the atrium was des igned on the southern s ide to encourage large amounts of natural l ight . whi le maintaining lower cool ing loads . The high-per formance glass façade included thermal breaks , which reduces the bui lding’s external heat gain, al lowing for a lower cool ing capaci ty ai r condi t ioning system to be instal led. The façade can also be 100% di sassembled for reuse in the future. The northern façade faces the large tarred road where fuel trucks drive. The main access road on the northern s ide of the bui lding was given a grey sur face fini sh reflect ive paint to prevent the urban heat i sland ef fect increas ing the external heat gain into the bui lding. These ini t iat ives contributed to an energy per formance s imulat ion that indicated a 173% reduct ion in energy consumpt ion compared wi th a not ional SANS 204 compl iant bui lding. Thi s was achieved in spi te of the fact that the extens ive glass façade al lows 91,5% of occupants to have external views . DESIGN INNOVATION The VTL Admin bui lding des ign employs technologies that are not commonly found in the local commercial bui lding market : • The primar y vent i lat ion operat ion mode i s natural vent i lat ion (NV) by means of hopper windows • Automat ic swi tching to a variable ref rigerant flow, heat recover y system when external condi t ions become unfavourable • Al l f resh ai r fans systems operate as variable ai r volume systems wi th CO 2 moni toring in each room • Sophi st icated bui lding management system turns of f any energy-wast ing l ights and ai r condi t ioning uni ts • A photovol taic instal lat ion on the roof enables ‘Net Zero energy’ operat ion. • Extens ive water management features even an on- s i te blackwater treatment plant The bui lding’s heat ing, vent i lat ion and ai r condi t ioning system i s an innovat ive mixed mode or ‘hybrid’ vent i lat ion des ign. Thi s system opt imi ses the use of natural vent i lat ion when the outs ide ai r condi t ions are des i rable, and swi tches to mechanical ai r condi t ioning when the outs ide condi t ions are not favourable. The natural vent i lat ion port ion of thi s system uses motori sed chain actuators that are connected to the façade and internal hopper windows . Automated NV system The natural vent i lat ion (NV) system analyses the external wind speeds and temperatures , and has a rain sensor which al l l ink back to the NV control panel . Should there be excess ive wind speeds , extreme hot or cold external temperatures , or rain, the NV system
82 20 th Best Project Awards 2021
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