Construction World December 2021


A bInBev regards i tsel f as one of the world’s leading beverage producers , paving i tsel f to become the greatest brewers of al l t ime. Being the flagship brewer in Af rica for AbInBev, Rosslyn brewer y takes no despai r in achieving thi s goal through the expans ion project , namely Mariachi . Ri sk management can be encompassed as the components of project ini t iat ion, complet ion and far important ly, ri sk exposure. Thi s includes – but not l imi ted to – delays , project management overs ight , communicat ion, schedul ing etc. Project Mariachi i s unique in the sense that i t implements ri sk management in al l facets of the project – thi s wel l and truly upheld by the logs of act ivi t ies , meet ing minutes and field reports that need to be carried out dai ly. Thi s i s essent ial in the when access ing detai led reports by the cl ient or contractor when needed. Lack of integrat ion creates data s i los that block the flow of informat ion – a statement far f rom truth as far as Mariachi i s concerned as the ri sk exposure i s assessed thoroughly by s igning highly detai led scheduled work permi ts on a dai ly bas i s , moni toring the ri sks by having weekly safety walks and s i te incident reports wi th the cl ient and contractor engineers . Last ly, planning for ri sks by forecast ing cri t ical tasks to be undertaken throughout the ent i rety of the project areas through careful col laborat ive vi rtual meet ings between the main contractor, cl ient-appointed subcontractors (not associated wi th main contractor ) and the South Af rican Breweries company. In addi t ion, ri sk management i s implemented through the appointment of a trustworthy and profess ional contractor such as WBHO who has a proven track record for the del iver y of highly compl icated and durat ion-conscious projects along wi th i ts longevi ty in the construct ion industr y. The most important ri sk management tool between the main contractor and cl ient i s the type of contract the two part ies are wi l l ing to engage in. The state-of-the-art Krones machiner y i s the l i fe of the Packl ine 9 warehouse through which the Corona beer flows . The newly-bui l t 7 781 m 2 Packl ine 9 warehouse i s a fierce addi t ion to the mega-plant boast ing an opt imal funct ioning capaci ty of 100 000 beers per hour making i t the largest producer of beer in Af rica. Unique to Mariachi i s the micro- fiber concrete used in the construct ion of the rai lway road. Thi s reinforced concrete i s used to check shrinkage and ul t imately prevent cracking. Consequent ly, i t i s used to stop water bleeding into the concrete by reducing i ts permeabi l i ty. An addi t ional use of thi s concrete i s to create a rai lway road that i s res i stant to abras ion and shattering. PROJECT MARIACHI

Stainless steel pipes are also popular and exclus ive to the project expans ion works as they are exclus ively used in the plants pipe works . Al though the process being met iculously executed, there are no margins for error, they add a new aspect to corros ion res i stance of pipes , making them more durable against the acid and ef fluent that flows through them. Project Mariachi ’s EIC mainly focuses on programs that may impact the planning and execut ion of act ivi t ies and i ts neighbouring envi ronment . Factors include envi ronmental compl iance, pol lut ion inhibi t ion and conser vat ion. These factors requi re integrat ion between the EIC, heal th and safety and ri sk mi t igat ion measures to ensure that strict precaut ions are adhered to when any act ivi ty i s in progress s ince the surrounding envi ronment involves l ive works . The project ’s envi ronmental compl iance i s in l ine wi th Act No. 59 of 2008: Waste Act – thi s Act provides a f ramework on managing al l the waste generated during construct ion act ivi t ies . Thi s includes the implementat ion of di sposal procedures and refuse control systems to control wastes amounts on s i te. The s i te promotes waste separat ion and places strict controls against bur ying and burning of any waste material – a cert i fied of f-s i te refuse area i s establ i shed where al l waste materials are stored, recycled and re- used by local communi t ies for di f ferent purposes . Dust pol lut ion remains one of the most problemat ic i ssues on s i te – high dust content can af fect the respi rator y system and reduce vi s ibi l i ty. Thi s may not be ideal for a l ive envi ronment . The s i te has been ident i fied to have groundwater, act ivi t ies such as excavat ions tend to di srupt aqui fers that contain groundwater. Thi s exposes groundwater to large amounts of contaminants (such as fuels , ni trates , biological and radio-act ive materials) . 


• Company entering: WBHO • Project start date: 17 February 2021 • Project end date: 31 April 2021 • Client: Anheuser-Busch InBev • Main Contractor: WBHO • Principal Agent: RHDHV • Project Manager: ABInBev • Quantity Surveyors: Turner & Townsend

• Consulting Engineer: ARUP • Steel Construction: Cadcon

88 20 th Best Project Awards 2021

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