Construction World December 2021


envi ronmental and social benefi ts . The Project aimed to i l lustrate how a closed- loop system can be enabled wi thin the WM, through ensuring that as much of the waste generated i s recycled and re-used. • The brand audi t ass i sted the WM to ident i fy opportuni t ies for closed- loop take-back systems wi th local bus inesses . • A closed- loop system prevents material leakage by keeping products and inf rastructure in use for longer. Separat ion-at-source system aid in ensuring materials are avai lable for reuse and recycl ing, reducing di sposal and extending landfi l l l i fespans . • Divert ing waste to recycl ing and compost ing helps to support exi st ing compost ing and recycl ing operat ions and create new bus inesses wi thin the WM waste sector. Project learnings The fol lowing project learnings are related to part icipat ion and separat ion of waste: • Ini t ial ly part icipat ion levels were low as res idents were not showing interest in the pi lot . Part icipat ion increased as the pi lot progressed. • Several res idents were al ready compost ing food waste at home. Home compost ing should be encouraged by municipal i t ies as the preferred solut ion to divert ing organic waste f rom landfi l l . The fol lowing project learnings are f rom compost ing organic waste at the compost faci l i ty: • Some dog faeces and food waste were di sposed of in plast ic bags , instead of paper bags/newspaper or compostable bags and included wi th the organic waste component . Thi s presented contaminat ion chal lenges to the compost ing process . • Majori ty of organic waste received at the compost faci l i ty was garden waste, meaning the compost ing process was not as quick as i f there was a higher percentage of food waste wi th a higher moi sture and carbon content . Thi s would be expected to increase over t ime as the programme grows . Overal l , cont inuous educat ion and awareness i s cri t ical in ensuring that separat ion-at-source i s undertaken correct ly to ef fect the des i red behaviour change. Feedback f rom the Compost Faci l i ty concluded that source-separat ion of organic waste i s vi tal to ensure that viable compost i s produced. Thi s Project proved that compost ing provides a viable solut ion to landfi l l ing organic waste and the second phase i s an opportuni ty to increase divers ion of waste f rom landfi l l for compost ing and recycl ing; however, increas ing res idents’ part icipat ion i s important . Note: The WM ensured the avai labi l i ty of WAs and a dedicated vehicle once a week for the separate waste col lect ion and thi s i s therefore not included in the contractual costs . Compost ing was undertaken during the pi lot by a local composter. The payment for the compost ing ser vices did not fal l wi thin the scope of the JG Af rika fees . Civil and financial contribut ion The fol lowing s igni ficant civi l contribut ions to the Tulbagh communi ty were real i sed f rom the project : • Educat ion and awareness resul ted in improved

understanding of waste management and i ts impact on the envi ronment and on municipal finances . Est imated cost savings f rom implement ing the Zero Waste Model are: • Est imated 85% divers ion of waste f rom landfi l l , adding 15 years to the Tulbagh Landfi l l and an annual landfi l l operat ional cost saving of R4 017 780.00 per annum (pa) . • Waste transport cost saving of R2 671 500 pa. Opportuni ty for local enterprise development The est imated jobs that could be created f rom implement ing the Zero Waste Model at WM over a two- to- five-year period are: • 20 WA jobs to provide Integrated Waste Management ser vices . • 50 jobs for waste pickers who wi l l be integrated into the Zero Waste Management system. • 100 communi ty vegetable gardens and compost faci l i ty managers and operators . • 150 recycl ing jobs . • 1 500 jobs f rom compostable product manufacturing, waste col lect ion, educat ion and awareness , construct ion of waste related inf rastructure. 


• Company entering: JG Afrika • Project start date: March 2019 • Project end date: December 2019 • Client: Wellington Association Against the Incinerator (WAAI) • Partner: Witzenberg Local Municipality • Community: Tulbagh • Consutants: JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd and Circular Vision

92 20 th Best Project Awards 2021

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