Construction World December 2022

VANTAGE DATA CENTER W BHO Construct ion commenced wi th thi s exci t ing Des ign and Construct (D&C) project on 14 July 2021. Thi s was to be the fi rst of three data centers that Vantage Data Centers (VDC) i s planning to develop in JBN11 campus and was also the fi rst ful l fi t-out hyperscale data center that the WBHO D&C team had ever tackled. Over the short contract durat ion, the learning cur ve was ver y steep, as described further below. The structure was a fai rly s imple convent ional ly reinforced concrete f rame wi th cof fered slabs to achieve the load bearing and spanning requi rements . Clear di stances between columns being cri t ical so as to ensure the data racks would fi t in-between them once complete. The roof slab was somewhat unusual as i t was cast to fal ls in two di rect ions . Thi s would be one of the many factors ins i sted upon by the cl ient to ensure that the center remained waterproof over i ts l i fespan. I t was cri t ical that the concrete structure went up as quickly as poss ible but an extens ive sleeve network and earthing grid had to be instal led below ground level prior to the team gaining ful l access in the early stages . Careful planning and re-sequencing was carried out so as to al low the pad foot ings , columns and sur face beds to be bui l t s imul taneously wi th the underground ser vices . VDC speci fied a l ight-weight panel l i sed façade system. Thi s product was ful ly imported, had never previously been used in South Af rica and had a long procurement t ime. In order to close the bui lding envelop and minimi se the ri sk of other trades being af fected should the suppl ier be late wi th hi s del iver y, the WBHO team proposed, and was subsequent ly agreed to by the Cl ient , that a temporar y weatherproof façade be constructed out of a l ightweight steel grid, Nutec board and waterproofing bandage to al l joints . Thi s temporar y weather barrier was pos i t ioned on the floor plate such that i t did not have to be removed and could rather enhance the fi re res i stance, thermal insulat ion and acoust ic propert ies of the permanent façade. There were some substant ial i ssues in the del iver y

of thi s plant . VDC management requi red the support of di rect suppl iers . As t iming was a key factor of thi s project , the key subcontractors had to accelerate what was al ready a ver y t ight instal lat ion program. Addi t ional shi f ts and teams had to be cal led on which increased the peak number of personnel on s i te to approximately 1 200. Thi s requi red addi t ional super vi s ion and safety measures and so the s i te became of hive of act ivi ty, 24/7. The s ix standby generators’ exhausts extended wel l beyond the roof level and were 25 m long. Structural steel f rames were requi red to support these, which in turn were secured back to the bui lding’s concrete f rame. 


• Company entering: WBHO Construction • Client: Tshala Bese Uyavuna (RF) Consortium • Start date: February 2021 • End date: 16 March 2023 • Main Contractor: WBHO Construction/Mhlaba Properties D&C JV • Architect: Boogertman + Partners

• Principal Agent: DRD D&C JV • Quantity Surveyor: AECOM • Consulting Engineer: Pure Consulting


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