Construction World December 2022
1 ON OSBORNE T he s i te i s located on the corner of Osborne and Cavendi sh Road in Claremont , right oppos i te Cavendi sh Square mal l . The restricted s i te’s footprint i s approximately 1 000 m 2 where Kel ler Geotechnics SA was tasked to del iver a 16,5 m deep basement . Kel ler ’s scope cons i sted of a permanent compos i te lateral support system, incorporat ing perimeter pi les , a capping beam, post tens ioned soi l anchors , guni te arches and waler beams , sur vey moni toring together wi th bulk earthworks , dewatering and some civi ls scope of sub-soi l drainage. Kel ler of fered a des ign, supply and instal lat ion solut ion for the basement . Typical geotechnical solut ions for thi s depth of basement would cons i st of diaphragm wal ls , steel sheet pi les or secant wal ls . Kel ler however has developed over many years , a proven compos i te lateral support system which caters , not only to the adverse geotechnical condi t ions of a highwater table and highly weathered Kaol in clays and rock , but also to the highly restricted access constraints and workspace on thi s ver y busy corner s i te. Kel ler not only provided lateral support up against the neighbouring bui ldings where negl igible impact was experienced, but also provided a lateral support system that could carr y nominal load, per l inear metre, on the capping beam, al lowing the columns to be constructed on the capping beam adjacent to the neighbours . SDA anchors of var ying lengths were instal led
speci fical ly to accommodate and achieve the requi red anchor forces .Dewatering was requi red to avoid the kaol in ver y sof t rock , di s integrat ing into clay or slop. Kel ler made use of low noi se pi l ing rigs and the working hours accommodated the neighbouring flats and bus iness premi ses . Recycled steel was used in the pi les . The job was constructed through the Cape winter season and completed on t ime and wi thin budget . The des ign and construct method that was fol lowed on the project , highl ights the cutt ing-edge advantage that Kel ler has in South Af rica. When large and complex geotechnical chal lenges appear, Kel ler ’s operat ional and des ign special i sts col laborate internal ly and external ly wi th engineers and cl ients to find viable and economic solut ions for thei r projects .
• Company entering: Keller Geotechnics SA • Client : Port Wild Props 33 • Main Contractor: Keller Geotechnics SA • Project Managers: Bruce Burmeister & Associate Architects • Consulting Engineers : De Villiers Sheard • Demolition: Ross Demolition PROJECT INFORMATION
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