Construction World December 2022
where lei sure act ivi t ies are of ten di srupted by the quest to ful fi l bas ic needs . The faci l i ty wi l l host sports as wel l as af ter school act ivi t ies to over 300 school chi ldren and further ass i st as a safe space for women and chi ldren. The project i s an exemplar of what private publ ic partnerships can achieve. The same energy and opt imi sm that ran through the profess ional team, contractors , communi ty members involved in the project now resonates wi thin the wal ls of the bui lding i tsel f. In the words of Caster Semenya: “Fi rst you bui ld the human, then you bui ld the athlete, and then you bui ld the leader.”
during construct ion. The project 's technical nature - f rom l i f t ing a roof of an exi st ing bui lding and instal l ing a dance floor – to the social yard canopy instal lat ion wi th minimal columns requi red plenty hours of gruel ing des ign work and team work to get the project to i ts final pos i t ion. But most of al l the project i s noteworthy because a smal l engineering fi rm successful ly del ivered a unique project to a bi l l ionai re internat ional cl ient . The project was highly technical , and the t ime pressure was s igni ficant . But today there stands a faci l i ty that uni tes a communi ty. For us the most rewarding part of the project i s the change i t wi l l bring to underprivi leged communi t ies
68 21 st Best Project Awards 2022
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