Construction World December 2022
• Company entering: Boogertman + Partners Architects • Client: WBHO Construction • Start date: January 2019 • End date: March 2023 • Main Contractor: WBHO Construction • Architect: Boogertman + Partners Architects
• Project Manager: WBHO • Quantity Surveyor: AECOM • Consulting Engineer: Pure
E ver y aspect of the bui lding des ign down to the smal lest detai l takes human scale into cons iderat ion and forms part of the des ign approach and phi losophy. Extens ive landscaping further reduces the scale of the bui ldings and improves human interact ion in the spaces created in and around the bui ldings . The bui lding prominence in i ts context places an added respons ibly to creat ing a welcoming and invi t ing form and space to the publ ic. Thi s i s achieved by extens ive landscape measures and where necessar y introducing berms up to the structure. These berms reduce the vi sual impact and scale of the bui lding when experienced f rom the publ ic realm. Great care has been taken to promote pedestrian movement throughout the s i te and bui lding by creat ing st imulat ing pedestrian spaces and walkways . The l ink between the heri tage components and the new bui lding wi l l be exclus ively for pedestrian use. A publ ic drop-of f space has been proposed of f Li l ian Ngoyi Street along the egress road f rom the podium. Thi s space wi l l be f ramed by a formal ‘entrance’ to the new publ ic realm. Thi s wi l l al low for users to be bussed/ taxied to the department and contact di rect ly to the structure’s publ ic inter face. Furthermore a landscaped publ ic ‘piazza’ i s proposed on top of the podium which integrates to the street /pedestrian edge and draws users to the central entrance. The purpose of the des ign i s to create a vi sual landmark for the ci ty. The archi tectural language creates a power ful statement that acts as an aesthet ic mani festat ion of the department ’s purpose as a narrat ive gateway to the ci ty. Through the combinat ion of a unique archi tectural language, fundamental principles of respons ible des ign, hierarchical entrance bui lding and prominent publ ic spaces , the new
structure and i ts ‘ reformed’ surrounds help in the creat ion of a funct ional , meaningful landmark bui lding. The above ment ioned f ree- form shapes contribute to the landmark qual i ty of the bui lding and also reflects the importance of the bui lding on an urban scale. I t i s envi saged that thi s new publ ic realm wi l l be appropriated as a gathering and reflect ive space. The connect ion f rom the podium to the bermed landscape provides a funct ional outdoor spi l l -out space. Users of the bui lding are provided wi th a weal th of di f ferent external break-away and interact ive spaces that provide tangible and intangible l inks to the hi storic nature and purpose of the s i te. The goal i s to create a series of connect ing bui lding clusters , rather than creat ing a s ingle large structure. Thi s enables the des igners to maximi se the north–south orientat ion of the bui ldings and to opt imi se the depth of the of fice wings to enable easy access to natural l ight . The bui lding des ign has been based on creat ing the highest qual i ty of working envi ronments , by ensuring that ever y person has di rect access to natural l ight . Each block has shared ser vice cores (vert ical ci rculat ion and ablut ion faci l i t ies) connected through the structures span by a shared corridor across each level . Thi s enables each block access to five ablut ion cores across the internal length which wi l l improve access opportuni ty and movement ef ficiency. The bui lding des ign has been developed wi th the goal of creat ing a bui l t envi ronment that i s honest in communicat ing i ts funct ion. By us ing forms that have been determined by thei r funct ional i ty and materials , textures and colours that are as close to the natural envi ronment as poss ible, conveys a strong message of integri ty to al l who view thi s bui lding.
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