Construction World December 2022

the western s ide of the s i te. The s i te i s divided into a series of stepped terraces to s impl i fy i ssues related to the inf rastructure of the hous ing uni ts . Mul t i - level row house type uni ts straddle the level changes of the terraces , thus faci l i tat ing a street relat ionship on both levels . Along the terraces the row-house uni ts are placed hard up on one another and create a cont inuous , flowing street façade. Thi s inter face supports the safe passage of pedestrians . A secondar y street grid caters for people-act ive, int imately scaled

streets (publ ic) , wi th the introduct ion of parked courts (semi -private) , where cars would predominately park . A total of 108 hous ing opportuni t ies were developed for returning Di strict Six res idents , made up of 48 row houses (18 Type A and 30 Type B) and 60 apartments in 10 blocks of s ix each. 


21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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