Construction World December 2022



T he V&A Water f ront i s one of the greenest precincts in Af rica. The Ridge i s located in the Portswood Precinct of the V&A Water f ront . Recogni sed for i ts integrated engineering response The Ridge has achieved a 6-star Green Rat ing Des ign and As -Bui l t Cert i ficat ion f rom Green Bui lding Counci l South Af rica. The bui lding achieved a total of 9 out of the 10 avai lable innovat ion points . The rat ing i s cons idered as demonstrat ing ‘World Leadership’ and i s referenced as a Living Breathing Bui lding-organi sm. The Ridge creates an unparal leled internal envi ronment wi th the highest level of natural l ight and f resh ai r. The bui lding incorporates clever des ign, centred around people, planet , the broader communi ty, and economic ef ficiencies . The bui lding structure i s fi re- res i stant to retard the spread of fi re. Below-ground i s res i stant to fi re for 20 minutes , the ground floor for 120 minutes and floors above ground for 60 minutes . The stai rwel ls , l i f t lobbies and shaf ts , stores and plant rooms are engineered and constructed us ing enhanced fi re- res i stant materials . An integrated system cons i st ing of automated sprinklers , hydrants and hose reels , fed wi th water f rom the non-potable water tank in the basement , protects the bui lding in the event of fi re. Smoke i s extracted f rom the atrium space via eight mechanical smoke extractor fans . Smoke moni toring and control systems ser ve the three-storey basement , the atrium and the thi rd floor. Since the ground, fi rst and second floors are vent i lated through the atrium space, any smoke wi l l be

The des ign, construct ion and operat ion of The Ridge represents an exemplar green bui lding des ign and has the fol lowing key features : • An energy-ef ficient mixed mode cl imate control system us ing natural vent i lat ion, TABS, and di splacement vent i lat ion. • Focus on natural l ight ing. • Water piped through the floor slabs for cool ing. • Generat ion of renewable power. • Water har vest ing for reuse. • Timber façade that has s igni ficant ly less carbon than typical ly used material , and • 5,5 tonnes of s ingle use plast ic Eco bricks locked into the bui lding. The goal was to maximi se the periods when the bui lding could be natural ly vent i lated. Thi s was achieved by responding di rect ly to the s i te locat ion and shaping the bui lding envelope to minimi se solar load, thereby reducing energy demand. The Ridge i s located on a rectangular s i te that would create deep and dark floor plates in the bui lding wi thout des ign inter vent ion. The fi rst step was to arrange wings on ei ther s ide of a central atrium. These wings were s i zed to maximi se natural dayl ight penetrat ion into the bui lding, which has four storeys of of fice space, and al low for ef ficient cross -vent i lat ion. Us ing extens ive innovat ive, sustainable solut ions , the des ign provides opt imal internal condi t ions for the occupants in a low-energy manner. Timber locks carbon into the structure. Thi s not only yields savings in operat ing costs for heat ing and

90 21 st Best Project Awards 2022

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