Construction World February 2015
Presented at the 2014 MBA North President Dinner by current MBA North president, Lea Smith, the award honours the efforts of Duncan, who was president of the Gauteng Master Builders Association from 2006 to 2007 before the association changed its name to MBA North. He has for many years been Honorary Treasurer of the MBA North and serves on the association’s executive committee, and is also extremely active in the MBA training initiatives. The framed ‘Extraordinary Contribution Award’ praises Duncan’s dedication to the building and construction industry and states that his contribution and perseverance helped the MBA tomaintain its exceptionally high standard of both quality and ethics in business. Commenting afterwards on MBA North’s award to Neil Duncan, the association’s president Lea Smith, stated: “The Boy Scout’s motto is ‘Be Prepared’ and this is how I would describe Neil Duncan, who was involved with the movement for many years. He has been an active member of MBA North for more than two decades and throughout, when asked to contribute, he did not provide 100% assistance but 110%. Perhaps his organisational skills stem from his auditing background – but whatever the source of his expertise, he always brings his ‘A-game’. All of us at MBA North believe he is a true, inspirational leader to look up to and respect.” Smith said the special MBA North Presidential Award was not an annual accolade but only presented when the association felt an indi- vidual deserved such an honour. “I can think of no more worthy case than STALWART HONOURED Neil Duncan, chief financial officer of Kevin Bates Albert Carpets, has received a special Master Builders Association North Presidential award for his ‘Extraordinary Contribution’ to the MBA. >
Neil Duncan who, in his low-key, self-effacing manner has been such a tremendous ambassador for MBA North for so many years,” he added. Neil Duncan (left) receives an MBA North special award for his ‘Extraordinary Contribu- tion’ to the association from MBA North presi- dent, Lea Smith.
Third pillar “Finally, the third pillar, local authority support, stresses the importance of good governance and a local support regime by using indicators such as public capacitation, forming partner- ships with civil society and mainstreaming good governance,” she says. “I believe that sustainability should form the cornerstone of resettlement as outlined in the guidelines. However, sustaina- bility could easily be seen as vague due to its broad definition. The key to effectively integrating sustainability into an early resettlement planning process relates to measurability and applicability,” she concludes.
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