Construction World February 2020
range of support and relief effort services and has a dedicated HIV/AIDS programme. By growing their own vegetables, AMCARE is able to take fresh produce straight from their gardens and cost effectively incorporate these vegetables into daily meals. ̸2XU GHFLVLRQ WR VSRQVRU D YHJHWDEOH tunnel at Kwasa College in Daggafontein, Springs, stemmed from a phone call received by Marilyn Govender, Atlas Copco Compliance Manager, from Kwasa College requesting RXU DVVLVWDQFH ZLWK LQIUDVWUXFWXUH̹ H[SODLQV 1GORYX ̸$OWKRXJK WKH VFKRRO ZKLFK KDV VRPH OHDUQHUV DOUHDG\ KDG D VPDOO JDUGHQ ZH
IHOW WKDW LW ZRXOG EH KLJKO\ EHQHͤFLDO DQG PRUH sustainable to build a larger vegetable tunnel that would assist Kwasa College in feeding more learners and the FRPPXQLW\ DURXQG WKH VFKRRO ̹ The construction of the vegetable tunnels which have a steel VWUXFWXUH HQFORVHG E\ QHWWLQJ NLFNHG RII LQ HDUO\ 6HSWHPEHU ZLWK WKH RͦFLDO KDQG RYHUV WDNLQJ SODFH DW $0&$5( DQG .ZDVD College where Ndlovu, joined by Atlas Copco Vice President Frans van Niekerk and the Corporate Communications and SHEQ teams, donated the seedlings. Atlas Copco also handed over dungarees and gardening gloves to the school. ([SUHVVLQJ WKHLU JUDWLWXGH IRU $WODV &RSFR̵V VSRQVRUVKLS 0DULKHW Infantino, General Manager at AMCARE, says that these tunnels will undoubtedly contribute to the sustainable provision of food for those in need and will also assist AMCARE in its support of the community. ̸:H DUH SURXG WR KDYH LQ VRPH VPDOO ZD\ FRQWULEXWHG WR WKH upliftment of a healthier lifestyle at AMCARE and Kwasa College and ZH ZLVK WKHP D IUXLWIXO DQG ZKROHVRPH IXWXUH̹ FRQFOXGHV 1GORYX
A tlas Copco is passionate about assisting the less fortunate through sustainable projects and, living up to this mandate, the company sponsored seven vegetable tunnels to four sites at Isaac Makawu Primary School, Setshabelo, AMCARE and Kwasa College with tomato, spinach and beetroot seedlings. ̸,W LV D VDG UHDOLW\ WKDW PDQ\ FKLOGUHQ DQG DGXOWV GR QRW KDYH DFFHVV WR D GDLO\ PHDO OHW DORQH D QXWULWLRXV RQH̹ VKDUHV $WODV &RSFR &RUSRUDWH 6RFLDO 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ 0DQDJHU DQG ([HFXWLYH $VVLVWDQW %RQJDQL 1GORYX ̸:H ZDQWHG WR FKDQJH WKLV QDUUDWLYH E\ VSRQVRULQJ vegetable tunnels to provide healthy meals and an education around WKH SUHSDUDWLRQ FDUH DQG PDLQWHQDQFH RI YHJHWDEOH WXQQHOV ̹ $WODV &RSFR FKDPSLRQV EHQHͤFLDULHV WKDW VXSSRUW SHRSOH affected by and living with HIV/Aids. Ndlovu points out that because it is vital for people with HIV/AIDS in particular to include a lot of vegetables in their diet, Atlas Copco decided to build one vegetable WXQQHO DW $0&$5( 7KLV QRQ SURͤW RUJDQLVDWLRQ IRXQGHG E\ WKH L ettie Mashau was appointed by the Board of Directors of Motheo &RQVWUXFWLRQ *URXS RQ 6HSWHPEHU DV WKH QHZ &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2ͦFHU &(2 0DVKDX KDV EHHQ D SDUW RI WKH 0RWKHR IDPLO\ IRU \HDUV (DUPDUNHG HDUO\ RQ DV 'U 1GORYX̵V VXFFHVVRU Mashau has been closely mentored by Dr. Ndlovu for many years. Having grown up in the township of Malamulele, Limpopo, Mashau joined Motheo Construction Group as a trainee site Quantity 6XUYH\RU LQ KDYLQJ TXDOLͤHG ZLWK D 'LSORPD LQ %XLOGLQJ DQG Civil Engineering. Showing integrity, determination and initiative in the workplace, Mashau took the opportunities offered her by Motheo with both hands. She quickly rose through the ranks. She is now a shareholder and Director at Motheo. Prior to taking up the position as CEO, she held direct oversight of all Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West, Free State, and Pretoria operations. Mashau has served on the 0RWKHR %RDUG VLQFH 6HSWHPEHU ZKLFK RYHUVHHV WKH FRPSDQ\̵V national operations and strategic direction. 0DVKDX KDV WLPH DQG WLPH DJDLQ UDLVHG WKH 0RWKHR ͥDJ KLJK +HU FKDUDFWHU DQG LQGXVWU\ WUDFN UHFRUG H[SUHVV WKH FXOWXUH HWKRV DQG H[FHOOHQFH WKDW LV 0RWKHR The Board of Directors of Motheo Construction Group have UHDͦUPHG WKHLU FRPPLWPHQW WR WKH 'U 7KDQGL 1GORYX &KLOGUHQ̵V Foundation ( Team Motheo will also NEW CEO
seek ways in which it can meaningfully contribute towards arresting the curse of gender-based violence in South Africa.
Lettie Mashau is the new CEO of Motheo Construction Group.
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