Construction World February 2020
HAT TRICK FOR WATERFALL At the annual ‘World’s Best’ International Property Awards ceremony held at the iconic Savoy Hotel in London on 2 December, Waterfall Management Company was awarded Best International Mixed-use Development 2019-2020 for the Waterfall development.
I t is the third consecutive year that Waterfall has achieved this LQWHUQDWLRQDO UHFRJQLWLRQ EHDWLQJ ͤYH RI WKH EHVW PL[HG XVH GHYHORSPHQWV LQ $VLD 3DFLͤF 'XEDL (XURSH WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP and America to the top spot this year – emphasising the world-class TXDOLW\ RI WKLV PDJQLͤFHQW PL[HG XVH GHYHORSPHQW WKDW FRQWLQXHV WR take shape on local soil. Over and above scooping this prestigious LQWHUQDWLRQDO DFFRODGH :DWHUIDOO ZDV DOVR QDPHG %HVW 0L[HG XVH th year, celebrate the very best projects and professionals in the industry ZRUOGZLGH FRYHULQJ WKH UHJLRQV RI $VLD 3DFLͤF $IULFD DQG $UDELD Europe, USA and the Americas, as well as the UK. Over the past year, D SDQHO RI RYHU H[SHUW MXGJHV VWXGLHG DQG DVVHVVHG WKRXVDQGV of entries from 115 countries, focusing on design, quality, service, innovation, originality, and commitment. Willie Vos, CEO of Waterfall Management Company, said; ̸6XFFHVVIXOO\ UROOLQJ RXW D GHYHORSPHQW RI WKLV VFDOH WDNHV FDUHIXO planning and consideration, which includes the coordination of a number of companies, authorities and people. As a broader team, we are not only all passionate about being part of this world-class development, but are also eager to showcase South Africa’s property talent on an international stage – which drives our appetite to enter these awards each year. I know that I speak for everyone involved in the Waterfall development when noting how proud we are to have received these top international honours yet again – it is proof that ZKDW ZH DUH GRLQJ KHUH LV UHDOO\ RXWVWDQGLQJ ̹ Waterfall Management Company is the Property and Asset Management Company of the Waterfall land. Waterfall Management Company has been working with developers and investors since WR FUHDWH WKH ODUJHVW PL[HG XVH GHYHORSPHQW LQ $IULFD (DFK \HDU VHHV WKH GHYHORSPHQW H[SDQG RIIHULQJ PRUH WRS QRWFK IDFLOLWLHV 'HYHORSPHQW LQ $IULFD IRU WKH VL[WK \HDU UXQQLQJ 7KH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 3URSHUW\ $ZDUGV QRZ LQ WKHLU
to its residents, commercial tenants, visitors and communities in the surrounding area, making Waterfall a truly remarkable city within Gauteng. It is a modern development that takes into consideration unique design aesthetics to ensure Waterfall lives up to the development’s goal of offering integrated live-work-play environments that provide unsurpassed quality of life in a vibrant XUEDQ VHWWLQJ 7KH :DWHUIDOO GHYHORSPHQW LV SUHVHQWO\ RQO\ complete, with over 1,6 million square metres of Gross Leasable Area (GLA) still to be developed. While 15 000 residents already call it KRPH DQG SHRSOH ZRUN WKHUH HYHU\ GD\ LW LV HVWLPDWHG WKDW E\ FRPSOHWLRQ LQ WKH GHYHORSPHQW ZLOO FRPELQH UHVLGHQWLDO XQLWV KRXVLQJ DQ HVWLPDWHG SHRSOH ZLWK DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLOOLRQ VTXDUH PHWUHV RI */$ IRU FRPPHUFLDO DQG RͦFH VSDFH which will accommodate a further 80 000 people. The current estimated developed value of Waterfall is DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 5 ELOOLRQ ZKHUH XSRQ FRPSOHWLRQ WKH GHYHORSPHQW will have created close to 85 000 job opportunities. Waterfall in its entirety is also already responsible for contributing towards the &LW\ RI -RKDQQHVEXUJ ̰ LQ WHUPV RI UDWHV DQG WD[HV ̰ WR WKH YDOXH of close to R300-million per year. Based on projected planning, this ͤJXUH LV H[SHFWHG WR UHDFK RYHU 5 ELOOLRQ SHU DQQXP E\ WKH WLPH WKH development is completed. ̸%HLQJ QDPHG WKH ZRUOG̵V EHVW PL[HG XVH GHYHORSPHQW IRU D WKLUG WLPH LQ DV PDQ\ \HDUV LV RYHUZKHOPLQJ DQG YHU\ H[FLWLQJ for us. On behalf of the Waterfall Management Company and its shareholders, I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved in this development, including the individual residential investors, as everyone has played a key role in contributing to this DFFRPSOLVKPHQW :H DUH ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR DQG WKH IXUWKHU SURJUHVV SODQQHG IRU :DWHUIDOO ZKHUH WKH IXWXUH LV YHU\ EULJKW̹ concludes Vos.
Accepting the award are (from left) Werner van Rhyn – a Director at the Waterfall Investment Company, Willie Vos – CEO of Waterfall Management Company and Phillip Badenhorst – CFO of Waterfall Management Company.
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