Construction World February 2020
Concrete: a crucial part ̸2Q RWKHU ZLQG IDUP SURMHFWV &RQFRU ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH ZDV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU LWV RZQ FRQFUHWH PL[HV EXW IRU WKLV SURMHFW ZH DUH XVLQJ 6FULEDQWH &RQFUHWH DV D VXEFRQWUDFWRU WR VXSSO\ XV ZLWK UHDG\PL[ FRQFUHWH DV it already had a permit to mine the material – primarily supercrush – QHHGHG IRU WKH EDVHV RQ WKH VLWH̹ 9HUZH\ H[SODLQV ̸%DVH SRXUV FDQ WDNH XS WR KRXUV WR FRPSOHWH DQG RXU WHDPV VWDUW EHIRUH VXQULVH W\SLFDOO\ DW ̹ 9HUZH\ DGGV ̸&RQVLVWHQW ZRUNDELOLW\ DQG KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH RI ODUJH YROXPHV of concrete are required to avoid the risk of any delays or operational FRPSOLFDWLRQV̹ DGGV 9HUZH\ ̸,Q DGGLWLRQ̹ VD\V 9HUZH\ ̸WKH JHRORJ\ RI WKH DUHD PDGH WKH project technically challenging as it consists of mudstone and shale with pockets of dolerite. The biggest challenge with the foundations is that it is a material that breaks out in fragments. Before the blinding is poured one ideally wants a smooth surface as this PLQLPLVHV WKH DPRXQW RI FRQFUHWH QHHGHG ̹ &RQFUHWH EOLQGLQJ LV WKH process of pouring a thin layer of concrete over the foundation itself. The purpose of this is to seal in underlying material and prevent dirt DQG EOLQGLQJ DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH PLWLJDWHG WKLV̹ VD\V 9HUZH\ The project has a lab staffed by Concor Infrastructure and performs full soil and concrete testing. All the required concrete density and strength tests for the foundations as well as the strength tests of the hard stands are done here. Correlations testing is done WKURXJK DQ LQGHSHQGHQW ODE ̸&ULWLFDO WHVWLQJ RI WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKH ZLQG IDUP̵V EDVHV XQGHUSLQQHG WKH TXDOLW\ EHLQJ GHOLYHUHG̹ VD\V Verwey. Leaving a sustainable project behind Concor Infrastructure was able to promote local employment and skills development in the area by sourcing the labour from the four surrounding towns of Adelaide, Bedford, Cookhouse and Somerset East. The support of local employment and upliftment is in line with Concor Infrastructure’s skills development strategy. These workers needed specialised induction and training and will facilitate the sustainable development of the community. Verwey says the skills transfer on this project was also one of the FKDOOHQJHV ̸7KH SURMHFW HPSOR\HG SHRSOH DQG ORFDO MREV ZHUH FUHDWHG̹ KH VD\V ([WUHPHO\ FDUHIXO SODQQLQJ DQG D IRFXV RQ ongoing skills development and training in both competency and safety allowed the contractor to not only adhere to the construction and mud from interfering with the structure. ̸7KH IUDJPHQWDWLRQ FDXVHG DQ LQFUHDVH RI IRU WKH EOLQGLQJ needs with the average blinding well over 100 m 3 &DUHIXO H[FDYDWLRQ
SURJUDPPH DQG WR FDWFK XS WKH VL[ PRQWKV LW KDG ORVW DW WKH GHVLJQ stages, but also ensure optimum safety on site. Transportation to and from the Golden Valley Wind Farm could have posed a challenge, but forward thinking Concor Infrastructure GURYH WKH IRUPDWLRQ RI D WD[L IRUXP EHWZHHQ WKH IRXU WRZQV 7KLV forum is governed by safety while there are penalties for being late. With the forum, Concor Infrastructure managed to build discipline LQWR WKH WD[L VWUXFWXUH DQG 9HUZH\ VD\V LW KDV JRQH D ORQJ ZD\ WR prevent delays on the project.
Consistent workability and high performance of large volumes of concrete are required to avoid the risk of any delays or operational complications.
The geology made the project technically challenging as it consists of mudstone and shale with pockets of dolerite. The biggest challenge with the foundations is that it is a material that breaks out in fragments.
Left: Scribante Concrete supplied the project with readymix concrete as it already had a permit to mine the material – primarily supercrush – needed for the bases on the site. Right: Concor Infrastructure was responsible for 43 kilometres of access roads, the bases for 48 wind turbines and their adjoining hard stands.
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