Construction World February 2020
Largest student housing DEVELOPMENT IN SA
T he Amdec Group, South Africa’s leading developers of New Urban lifestyles, has been buoyed by the outcome of the Municipal 3ODQQLQJ 7ULEXQDO PHHWLQJ KHOG RQ 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU ZKHUH LWV 5 ELOOLRQ +DUERXU $UFK PL[HG XVH SUHFLQFW ZDV DSSURYHG James Wilson, CEO of the Amdec Group, said immediately after WKH PHHWLQJ ̸7KLV LV D ELJ GD\ IRU &DSH 7RZQ DQG D ELJ GD\ IRU WKH Amdec Group. We are overjoyed at the City of Cape Town’s decision to support Harbour Arch, and we have no doubt that this project holds tremendous promise for the Mother City. Harbour Arch will FUHDWH MREV DQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV ERRVW LQYHVWRU FRQͤGHQFH ERWK ORFDOO\ DQG DEURDG EROVWHU RXU FLW\ V HFRQRP\ DQG EHQHͤW WKH :HVWHUQ &DSH SURYLQFH DV D ZKROH ̹ :LWKLQ WKH FRQWH[W RI WKH EXUJHRQLQJ &DSH 7RZQ &%' Harbour Arch occupies a strategic position at the convergence of major access roads, with easy entry points to and from the N1 DQG 1 KLJKZD\V Harbour Arch is set to be built on a 5,8-hectare site, with 198 000 m RI XVDEOH VSDFH DQG VL[ LQGLYLGXDO WRZHUV 7KH VLWH will also be home to two new hotels, to be operated by Marriott International, long-standing partners of the Amdec Group and the world’s largest hospitality group. Harbour Arch will create a world-class New Urban SUHFLQFW GHOLYHULQJ PXOWLSOH OLIHVW\OH EHQHͤWV DQG FUHDWLQJ D KLJKO\ VRXJKW DIWHU SODFH WR OLYH ZRUN DQG UHOD[ IRU UHVLGHQWV DQG YLVLWRUV to Cape Town. It will further entrench its position as one of the world’s great cities, regularly voted one of the most desirable places to visit and live. Harbour Arch represents a massive private sector investment into the city, estimated to create at least 13 000 construction jobs. Its credentials are further strengthened by the involvement of a reputable and committed developer. 7KH $PGHF *URXS DUH H[SHUWV DW PL[HG XVH GHYHORSPHQWV 7KH\ KDYH WKH YLVLRQ FDSLWDO DQG H[SHUWLVH WR GHYHORS RQ WKLV VFDOH Their 30-year track record in the industry has built a reputation as WKH SUH HPLQHQW GHYHORSHUV RI PL[HG XVH SUHFLQFWV LQ 6RXWK $IULFD They are the majority shareholder and operators of the award-winning Melrose Arch in Johannesburg, a world-class GHYHORSPHQW WKDW LV D EOXHSULQW IRU PL[HG XVH SUHFLQFWV The Amdec Group retains majority ownership and management control of its large-scale developments. They are known for DSSRLQWLQJ SURIHVVLRQDO WHDPV RI H[FHSWLRQDO LQGLYLGXDOV DQG world-class building contractors. Work at Harbour Arch is set to get underway imminently.
T he largest student housing project ever undertaken by a South African public university is currently under development at the University of Fort Hare (UFH). Funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Development Bank of Southern Africa and the European Union, phase two of the project, valued at 5 PLOOLRQ LV VHW IRU FRPSOHWLRQ LQ 2FWREHU 7KH QHZ residences will help ease the housing crisis at UFH and create a student community conducive to academic success. ̸/DFN RI DFFRPPRGDWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH ELJJHVW FKDOOHQJHV ZH IDFH at the University of Fort Hare. Most of our students come from rural areas and do not have accommodation options when they arrive KHUH &XUUHQWO\ RXU UHVLGHQFHV DUH EDUHO\ DEOH WR DFFRPPRGDWH of our student population on our Alice campus. Our aim with this SURMHFW LV WR KRXVH RI RXU VWXGHQWV RQ WKLV FDPSXV̹ VD\V 9LFH Chancellor of UFH, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu. Developed by student accommodation group STAG African, the student village includes a new student centre and a dedicated postgraduate accommodation block. Phase one of the project, FRPSOHWHG LQ VDZ EHGV PDGH DYDLODEOH WR WKH XQLYHUVLW\ Completion of phase two, will bring the total number of beds KDQGHG RYHU WR JLYLQJ 8)+ WKH KLJKHVW UDWLR RI VWXGHQWV WR EHGV LQ WKH FRXQWU\ ̸*RRG VWXGHQW DFFRPPRGDWLRQ LV DERXW more than just beds. Our vision for this development goes beyond providing accommodation; we want to create a sense of FRPPXQLW\ DQG D IHHOLQJ RI EHORQJLQJ̹ VD\V FR IRXQGHU RI 67$* African, John Schooling. Earlier this year, government acknowledged that an additional 300 000 beds are required to accommodate the nation’s students. The student housing crisis is a result of a growth in demand for higher education in recent years. The lack of accommodation has EHHQ GLUHFWO\ OLNHG WR KLJKHU IDLOXUH DQG GURSRXW UDWHV IRU ͤUVW \HDU VWXGHQWV 6WXGLHV FRQͤUP WKDW VWXGHQWV ZKR OLYH RQ FDPSXV KDYH D JUHDWHU FKDQFH RI SDVVLQJ WKDQ VWXGHQWV ZKR DUH QRW UHVLGHQWV RQ FDPSXV ̸:KHQ D VWXGHQW LV SODFHG LQ WHPSRUDU\ DFFRPPRGDWLRQ or is required to stay in accommodation that is unsafe, overcrowded DQG XQK\JLHQLF LW̵V QR VXUSULVH ZKHQ WKH\ FDQ̵W FRSH̹ VD\V 6FKRROLQJ ̸:H QHHG WR FUHDWH WKH ULJKW FRQGLWLRQV IRU DFDGHPLF success, and that starts with providing good accommodation. Once we do that, students can focus on achieving the results they QHHG WR EH VXFFHVVIXO ̹ STAG is in the process of funding the development of student KRXVLQJ DOO RYHU $IULFD LQFOXGLQJ EHGV DW XQLYHUVLWLHV LQ .HQ\D LQ 0DODZL LQ =DPELD DQG LQ /HVRWKR 7KH company was established on the principle that university residences are social communities, and that their design can advance or detract from academic and societal goals.
• 5 ELOOLRQ GHYHORSPHQW • At least 13 000 construction jobs • 5,8 hectare site to be developed • 198 000 m of usable space
• 5 ELOOLRQ LQFUHDVH LQ KRXVHKROG LQFRPH IRU &DSH 7RZQ • R90-million infrastructure upgrade for the City of Cape Town • 3HUSHWXDO LQFRPH WD[HV DQG XWLOLWLHV DQG ZLGHU HFRQRPLF spin-offs for the City of Cape Town • Residential use brings great positives to Foreshore • Two new hotels within the precinct
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