Construction World February 2020
04 2019’s ‘Construction Mega Cities’ Dubai, London and New York make up the top three of cities with the most investment. 05 What now for the rest of the steel industry? SAISC annual Steel Awards had the most entries yet … but the steel industry is still in trouble. 08 Confidence up marginally from depressed levels 7KH 50% %(5 %XVLQHVV &RQͤGHQFH ,QGH[ UHͥHFWV D PDUJLQDO UDLVH LQ FRQͤGHQFH 12 Developments set to revive Joburg inner-city living in 2020 The transformation of the Joburg inner-city will continue the resurgence of life and community. 18 Boosting impressive wind farm building reference The Golden Valley Wind Farm illustrates Concor Infrastructure’s ability to build successful wind farms. 20 Designers and architects have a sustainability responsibility South Africa and Nigeria are Africa’s greatest greenhouse gas emitters, necessitating the need for sustainable building. 24 The Bolton’s residential conversion in Rosebank The development of Emira’s Property Fund’s residential conversion in Rosebank is complete after two years. 28 A perfect lift (and fit) Potain’s Senior Vice President talks to us about its local distributor. 32 Specialised admixtures used in M2 bridge rehabilitation CHRYSO Southern Africa was the supplier of specialised DGPL[WXUH IRU WKH UHFHQW 0 EULGJH UHKDELOLWDWLRQ 34 Slow economy demands efficiency and quality readymix With the local economy in the doldrums, it is vital that material suppliers get smarter. %RVFK̵V QHZ 3URIHVVLRQDO 0DJQHWLF 'ULOO ̰ WKH *%0 ̰ LV FRQYHQLHQW GXUDEOH KLJKO\ HͦFLHQW DQG VDIH :LWK WKH best price-performance ratio in its class, this tool is ideal for tough metal core drilling, twist drilling and threading metal. Its laser technology offers a fast target set-up and power supply cut-off system that prevents electric shock. The smart HMI-system enables easy serviceability DQG FRQWUROV FDUERQ EUXVK ZHDU SUHYHQWLQJ XQH[SHFWHG interruptions. The product features a load indicator that SUHYHQWV RYHUKHDWLQJ ZKLOH D PDJQHWLF ͤHOG DFWLYDWLRQ ZLWK high magnetic force makes accuracy easy. Turn to page 16 ON THE COVER
04 12 18 36 38
Projects & Contracts
BOSCH PROFESSIONAL GBM 50-2 The ideal solution for metal drilling
Specialised admixtures for M2BRIDGE REHABILITATION
Products & Services
Developments to revive JOBURG INNER-CITYLIVING
GOLDENVALLEYWINDFARM showscontractor’sexpertise
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