Construction World February 2020
NEW MODEL LAUNCHED T KH ODXQFK RI WKH QHZ &0 FUDQH WRRN SODFH RQ 1RYHPEHU LQ +DQJ]KRX &RPDQVD ZLOO DOVR VWDUW PDQXIDFWXULQJ WKLV PRGHO at its factory in China, mainly to meet the needs of the Asian market, which increasingly demand heavier load cranes. More than one hundred guests attended the event, including the OHDGHU RI WKH ;LDRVKDQ 'LVWULFW WKH 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH &RPDQVD *URXS the manager of Comansa in China, the main rental companies, the Tower Crane Industry Association and end customers, both domestic and from overseas. Comansa is taking an important step in technological innovation DQG SURGXFW GHYHORSPHQW PDNLQJ D VLJQLͤFDQW FRQWULEXWLRQ WR WKH construction industry by developing solutions to adapt the products
to the market demand in China and other countries in the region. Among the main technical features of this crane are: • Flat-Top, modular crane model. • 7ZR PD[LPXP ORDG YHUVLRQV DQG WRQQHV • 'HVLJQHG IROORZLQJ WKH (XURSHDQ VDIHW\ VWDQGDUG (1 • Automatic changing double trolley to optimise the load chart. The lifting speed is faster than for cranes of the same capacity made by other local manufacturers. Interchangeable: these models share several jib sections with WKH VHULHV 7KDQNV WR WKH PRGXODU GHVLJQ WKH MLE DQG FRXQWHU MLE VHFWLRQV KDYH VL[ GLIIHUHQW FRQͤJXUDWLRQV WR HQDEOH the adaption do different jobsite conditions • Optimised design in the jib and counter-jib connection for faster and safer assembly and disassembly. • This system also allows great modularity between the two versions: the 37,5 t model can load 50 t by changing the front trolley and hooks. • Incorporates the Cube Cabin: the design of the cabin won the L) 'HVLJQ $ZDUG ,W LV PRUH VSDFLRXV FRPIRUWDEOH DQG increases the capacity of the cabin to implement the new crane function for future needs. 7KH &0 FDQ EH XVHG IRU SUHIDEULFDWHG FRQVWUXFWLRQ construction of power plants, mining, bridges and other large-scale infrastructures. It has the approval of the Chinese National Type and WKH 7¾9 6¾G FHUWLͤFDWLRQ IURP *HUPDQ\
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