Construction World February 2020



AfriSam’s Jukskei readymix plant is one of the highest volume production plants in the country.

W ith South Africa’s construction sector in the doldrums, it is vital WKDW PDWHULDO VXSSOLHUV JHW VPDUWHU $IUL6DP̵V -XNVNHL UHDG\PL[ plant is doing just that, says operations manager Kevin Naidoo. ̸5HDG\PL[ LV D KLJK VSHHG JDPH̹ 1DLGRR VD\V ̸7KH SRRU VWDWH RI the market, and the continuous entry of new players, only adds more SUHVVXUH IRU XV WR EH IDVWHU DQG EHWWHU̹ +H KLJKOLJKWV WKDW TXDOLW\ UHPDLQV D FULWLFDO IDFWRU IRU UHDG\PL[ LQ the construction sector, as lives depend on concrete performing as H[SHFWHG 7KLV PHDQV WKDW V\VWHPV DQG WHFKQRORJ\ VKRXOG DOZD\V be advancing to harness productivity while prioritising control. Digital communication technology is among the tools that are embraced by the group. In one

9001 quality standard. They are also fully accredited members of the 6RXWKHUQ $IULFD 5HDG\ 0L[ $VVRFLDWLRQ 6$50$ ̸7KLV JLYHV RXU FXVWRPHUV WKH FRQͤGHQFH WKH\ QHHG LQ WKH TXDOLW\ RI RXU V\VWHPV DQG RXU SURGXFWV̹ KH VD\V ̸7KH\ NQRZ WKDW RXU DͦOLDWLRQV GHPDQG ULJRURXV DXGLWLQJ ̰ ERWK LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO – of our operations. This is vital in managing the considerable risks inherent in their projects, especially in infrastructure and large EXLOGLQJ SURMHFWV ̹ $PRQJ WKH UHFHQW KLJK SURͤOH SURMHFWV WKDW $IUL6DP KDV VXSSOLHG DUH WKH /HRQDUGR VN\VFUDSHU LQ 6DQGWRQ WKH VXSHU VL]HG 0DOO RI Africa in Midrand, the Gautrain stations and the Rea Vaya Bus

Rapid Transit (BRT) bridge over Johannesburg’s M1 highway. Managing the tight economic environment also means getting |the most of operational assets, says Naidoo. Naidoo highlights the importance of constantly checking basic elements like accurate measurement of material at the plants. With a world-class computerised batching system, the plant’s scale calibrations are conducted internally every two ZHHNV $Q H[WHUQDO VHUYLFH SURYLGHU also does a full range of calibration

such application, variances in plant performance can be communicated directly to managers’ mobile phones, he says. The state of the VHFWRU LV UHͥHFWHG LQ WKH RXWSXW from the Jukskei plant in Midrand, ̸'HVSLWH WKH ZHDNHU GHPDQG RXU VWDQGDUGV UHPDLQ KLJK̹ 1DLGRR VD\V ̸&XVWRPHUV UHO\ RQ WKDW IURP XV ̹ 7KH LQFUHDVHG ULVN RI XVLQJ UHDG\PL[ FRQFUHWH VXSSOLHUV ZLWKRXW the necessary quality controls, he says, leads customers to always come back to AfriSam. All the FRPSDQ\̵V UHDG\PL[ RSHUDWLRQV QDWLRQZLGH DUH FHUWLͤHG IRU WKH ,62 situated in the heartland of Gauteng’s urban economy.

tests every month. These are all conducted within SANAS VSHFLͤFDWLRQV ƒ

$PRQJ WKH KLJK SURͧOH SURMHFWV VXSSOLHG E\ $IUL6DP̸V -XNVNHL readymix plant is the Gautrain.



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