Construction World February 2020


Josephine Dalberg is pictured with (left) Allin Dangers, Director of Sales Western Cape and (right) Werner Oelofse of Corobrik.

CELEBRATING TRANSFORMATIVE WATER USE As a way to encourage innovative ideas that motivate social cohesion and environmentally-responsible habitation, Corobrik presents an annual first and second-place award to graduating students in the UCT Master of Landscape Architecture programme. This year, Corobrik Most Innovative Final Year Landscape Architecture Award went to Josephine Dalberg with Amber Myers taking the second-place prize at the awards’ ceremony held in November.

C orobrik Commercial Director, Musa Shangase, commented on the HOHYDWHG OHYHO RI GHVLJQ UHͥHFWHG E\ WKLV \HDU̵V JUDGXDWLQJ FODVV ̸6RXWK $IULFD KDV VR PXFK DUFKLWHFWXUDO WDOHQW DQG WKLV LV HYLGHQW E\ WKH H[WHQVLYHO\ UHVHDUFKHG GLVVHUWDWLRQV SURGXFHG WKLV \HDU Through landscape architecture, we are able to bring aesthetically enhanced spaces as well as socially cohesive designs to the various communities within the country. We, at Corobrik, believe that ‘better starts here’ and, when it comes to landscape architecture, better VWDUWV ZLWK WKHVH DZDUG ZLQQLQJ LGHDV ̹ Shangase said it was also incredible to see the creative incorporation of Corobrik popular clay paver range into the designs: ̸7KH UHDOLVDWLRQ RI WKHVH GHVLJQV LV QRW PHUHO\ DERXW IRUP DQG function; it’s about creating a legacy that tell the story of our society to future generations. The durability, aesthetics and HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHͤWV RI &RUREULN SDYHUV HQVXUH WKHVH OHJDF\ GHͤQLQJ VWUXFWXUHV ZLOO UHPDLQ ̹ This year’s winner of Corobrik Landscape Architecture Award was a thesis entitled ‘A River Remembered: reconnecting to landscape, memory and resource through water routes’. ,W LQYHVWLJDWHV WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI UH URXWLQJ DQ H[LVWLQJ FRQFUHWH water channel, or leiwater, allowing residents from a disadvantaged community to access water for food gardens and the greening of their environment. ̸7KH FRQFHSW IRFXVHV RQ WKH KLVWRULFDO UHODWLRQVKLSV EHWZHHQ SHRSOH DQG WKH ODQGVFDSH̹ H[SODLQHG 'DOEHUJ ̸+DYLQJ DOZD\V KDG an interest in the Cederberg area, I decided to focus on Clanwilliam

ZKLFK LV WKH DUHD̵V ROGHVW WRZQ DQG WKH JDWHZD\ WR WKH UHJLRQ ̹ 7KH H[LVWLQJ ZDWHU FKDQQHO FXUUHQWO\ E\SDVVHV DQ 5'3 community situated on the periphery of the town. This water, from the Jan Dissels River, is instead piped into the town centre where it is revealed in an open leiwater . Through her dissertation, Dalberg seeks to re-route this water to include the RDP community, democratising WKLV LPSRUWDQW UHVRXUFH ̸7KLV ZLOO FUHDWH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU developing both household and community gardens, as well as sites of social engagement between the RDP community and the town FHQWUH̹ FRQFOXGHG 'DOEHUJ The runner-up, Amber Myers, titled her thesis ‘Perceiving Landscape: Designing for the Contemplation of Material Culture through Time’. For this interesting concept, Myers suggested constructing a coastal park and archaeological museum on the Point of Mossel Bay, using materials harvested from buildings which will be submerged by the rising ocean over time. ̸7KH WKLQJV ZH EXLOG DQG ZKDW ZH EXLOG WKHP IURP VD\ ZKR ZH DUH̹ H[SODLQHG 0\HUV ̸7KH SDUN HQFRXUDJHV UHͥHFWLRQ RQ how the layers of human culture and development have changed the landscape over time, and how we can do so more responsibly LQ WKH IXWXUH ̹ All graduating students in the UCT Master of Landscape Architecture programme are eligible for Corobrik’s Most Innovative )LQDO



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