Construction World February 2021

timeously by all involved parties. Daily co-ordination meetings were held on site with all contractors, highlighting the activities planned for the next day and how these would impact each contractor. This detailed level of planning was vital in mitigating ongoing operational risk. A planning schedule, looking ahead two weeks, was submitted to the client by the construction manager, outlining what Concor intended to accomplish over that period. This was circulated to all contractors keeping everyone informed, allowing each to make necessary adjustments to keep all activities on schedule and minimise the risk of delays. With the scarcity of water in the project area, Concor contracted an expert to conduct a hydro-census study before the project commenced. This allayed the risk of insufficient water to conduct site activities. Studies on boreholes showed certain water sources were dry, and the company registered its own boreholes. It also negotiated with local farmers to secure supply, and installed the necessary piping and pumps. The unexpected risk presented by work stoppages due to the COVID-19 pandemic also had to be managed to accommodate the fact that the turbine suppliers were already in the country and components had been shipped. Work schedules were adjusted to allow for longer working days, so component delivery and turbine pre-assembly are not delayed. Concor's flexibility and innovative approach allowed the company to adjust plans so hard deadlines were met, and the project could roll out in a manageable way to the satisfaction of the client. ▄ Quick overview of Roggeveld Wind Farm • Built in a wind channel with some of the highest wind speeds in the country will make Roggeveld Wind Farm in the Karoo one of the most energy efficient wind farms to be constructed in South Africa to date. • Location: 20 km north of Matjiesfontein, on the boundary between the Western and Northern Cape. • Owner: Red Rocket. • Turbine equipment: In total 47 wind turbines, with a rotor diameter of 130 metre and a hub height of 100 metres, will be erected. Seven of these are 3 MW turbines and 40 are 3,15 MW. • Output: This 147 MW wind farm will contribute 555 000 MWh a year of clean energy to the national grid. • Concor Infrastructure Contracts Manager: Stephan Venter • Concor Infrastructure Project Manager: Greg Oosthuizen • Concor Infrastructure Construction Manager: Marritus Bezuidenhout • Time frame: contract started in May 2019 and the final base was cast in September 2020.

PROJECT INFORMATION • Client: Nordex Energy South Africa • Start date: May 2019 • End date: October 2020

• Main Contractor: Concor Infrastructure • Principal Agent: Concor Infrastructure • Consulting Engineer: BVI Consulting Western Cape



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