Construction World February 2022


NEW TOPCON GNSS RECEIVER INCREASES MEASURING ACCURACY T he Topcon HiPer VR GNSS receiver i s a complete solut ion for stat ic or kinemat ic GNSS post-

and of fice seamlessly and helps meet some of the most complex pos i t ioning chal lenges . I t i s used to col lect points , stake out road and s i te projects , lay out bui lding components and per form land sur veys . Along wi th the abi l i ty to calculate, contour and compare sur faces , i t includes a vast l ibrar y of compat ible 2D, 3D and BIM fi le formats , and of fers sur veyors a host of other benefi ts . “Easy to understand and use, a few of the receiver ’s benefi ts include an intui t ive user inter face wi th short learning cur ve, an advanced roading toolset and field to of fice cloud connect ivi ty via MAGNET Enterpri se,” explains Hux ley Reynolds , Group Hardware Sales Manager, WorldsView. “The receiver ’s TILT funct ional i ty i s made poss ible wi th a 9-axi s inert ial measurement uni t ( IMU) and ul tra-compact 3-axi s eCompass . Thi s enables easy shots on steep slopes or hard to reach points .” HiPer VR GNSS i s covered by Topcon’s 12-month warranty, faci l i tated by WorldsView, wi th al l ser vices and repai rs carried out at the authori sed WorldsView Ser vice Centre, a state-of-the-art Topcon-accredi ted ser vice and repai r centre, which includes ser vice, repai r and cal ibrat ion faci l i t ies . “We also tai lor maintenance plans for HiPer VR fleet users ,” Reynolds points out . WorldsView del ivers orders for the HiPer VR GNSS receiver ex-stock , and undertakes a standard 14 day lead t ime anywhere in Af rica and Mauri t ius . Wi th the Topcon ful l wave antenna, the device tracks GNSS s ignals avai lable today as wel l as tracking the constel lat ions and s ignals of tomorrow. Satisfied customers In a case study on one of Topcon’s customers in San Franci sco, various sur veying personnel involved in the development of an apartment complex commented: “There i s l imi ted l ine of s i te on thi s development , and us ing a robot ic total stat ion i s almost out of the quest ion. The HiPer VR has been a di f ferent experience, i t i s the best uni t that I have used as far as tracking and keeping a fix i s concerned.” “TILT compensat ion i s probably one of the key features that I l ike, and the abi l i ty to stay fixed when you’re up against bui ldings or near trees . There i s a big di f ference when you access the 20 plus satel l i tes , and my job i s made eas ier wi th the TILT correct ion when I ’m doing topography and staking.” “The biggest factor I think at the end of the day i s the t ime saving factor. A new employee being able to handle the Topcon equipment quickly and eas i ly i s a benefi t .” “I took about 10 minutes of training over the phone wi th my boss , f rom there I local i sed and got to work .” 

processed sur veys . Tai lored for use in inf rastructure planning and execut ion, i t i s also used as a network RTK rover and i s avai lable in base and network rover configurat ions . The Topcon FC6000 rugged control ler incorporates MAGNET Field sof tware and 4G/LTE/UHF LongLink communicat ion formats . The receiver incorporates Topcon Integrated Level l ing Technology (TILT) , which compensates for mi s - level led field measurements by as much as a 15° di f ferent ial . Smal l , l ight and compact , the receiver i s ideal for mi l l imetre GPS and hybrid pos i t ioning. Topcon’s patented universal tracking channels technology al lows the HiPer VR to track al l satel l i tes , al l constel lat ions and al l moderni sed s ignals . Unique electronic opt ion fi les enable instant act ivat ion of avai lable features , which means the HiPer VR i s highly configurable and ready for any project . I ts rugged des ign wi thstands the harshest job s i te envi ronments and increases equipment longevi ty, proven by i ts IP 67 rat ing and wi th real field experience. The Topcon MAGNET field sof tware connects field


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