Construction World February 2023
An affordable and secure residential village is in the works for the Boksburg CBD and will be ready for occupation in the beginning of 2023. Property entrepreneur Leroy Slava (pictured), together with TUHF, is following on the previous TUHF funded project, @Fourteenth, and this time converting a retail mall to a residential village.
W hen complete, the property wi l l have capaci ty to house about 200 people across 52 flats , 27 of which wi l l be one-bedroom uni ts , 18 two-bedroom uni ts and 7 two-bedroom apartments that wi l l feature spacious lof ts , made poss ible by the high cei l ings of the property. The res ident ial mix i s envi s ioned as spanning f rom young profess ionals and fami l ies to older couples . "When I completed @Fourteenth, I started receiving a number of requests for two-bedroom apartments , which @Fourteenth didn' t have many of, so thi s should fi l l that gap," Slava explains . Slava's ambi t ion to grow hi s port fol io in an area of the ci ty that he knows wel l – Boksburg - meshed wel l wi th TUHF's vi s ion of upl i f t ing areas and fostering urban regenerat ion. Slava Vi l lage i s wel l on i ts way to complet ion, as construct ion has been ongoing s ince late July, and al ready, eight of the apartments are complete. There are present ly parking bays for about 20 cars , which may be extended further to accommodate closer to 100 cars . TUHF provided financing to the value of R13,3m for purchase of the property as wel l as construct ion, refurbi shment and profess ional fees to complete the convers ion in ful l , payable over 15 years . Slava enthuses that the res ident ial vi l lage i s aimed
at being secure, af fordable and fami ly f riendly. To thi s end, Slava Vi l lage’s securi ty wi l l include electric fencing, securi ty cameras , a securi ty guard, and armed response. As i t i s di rect ly oppos i te @Fourteenth, i t shares that bui lding’s ready access to transport and proximi ty to the Municipal i ty’s Customer Care Centre, Boksburg Publ ic Librar y and retai l faci l i t ies . Whi le not yet confi rmed, Slavic Vi l lage may also feature a laundromat and a cof fee shop. Essent ials that are confi rmed include fibre opt ic Internet and Wi -Fi access as wel l as DSTV. Of part icular interest given the current power constraints i s that Slavic Vi l lage wi l l be sustainable, wi th solar power deployed in three stages across the vi l lage, and a borehole to ensure constant water supply. Electrici ty and water wi l l be on prepaid meters , and low flow taps and showers wi l l be instal led throughout to ensure water i s sustainably managed. ‘ ’ In terms of my long-term vi s ion, my goal has always been to grow a big port fol io of propert ies , which thanks to TUHF, I am on my way to real i s ing,” he concludes .
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